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Writing out the entire plot of Supernatural was harder than Vanessa thought, especially when she couldn't quite remember what happened just before Purgatory was opened. She could see it in her head but she just couldn't quite get to it. She kept thinking the word dragon over and over again but that didn't seem to help her much.

It didn't help either that Dean kept trying to peek in her journal to get a glimpse into the future.

"Oi' go away outta that now, how many times do I have to tell ye to stop snooping in me journal?" Vanessa had never sounded more Irish in her entire life as Dean jumped almost a foot in the air before darting back from the table.

"I have no idea what you just said." Dean shook his head, eyes wide as he tried to put the few words he understood together to form a coherent sentence.

Sam and Bobby exchanged amused looks at Vanessa scolding Dean and it hadn't even been the first time either. Nobody dared utter the phrase 'top o' the morning' again, not after the wrath it unleashed when Dean greeted Vanessa with it one morning. She could sure get mouthy when she was angry, and the angrier she was, the harder it was for them to understand her.

"I think she means get lost." Bobby called over to them and Vanessa nodded in approval, eyebrow raised at Dean who folded his arms and sulked as he walked into the living room.

"Making any progress?" Sam asked her, rolling his lips to hide a smile as Dean grumbled next to him about wanting to know his future.

"A wee bit, it'd be a lot easier if yer man over there would leave me alone for five feckin' minutes." Vanessa glared at Dean who shrunk into his seat, if he wasn't so scared of her he'd find amusement in the word 'feckin'. It had become his knew favourite word although he didn't dare say it incase she thought he was making fun of her accent.

"God, you're scary when your angry. And Irish, don't know what half of the words you're saying mean." Dean mumbled. "I just want to know what happens in the future, is that so bad?"

"Yes." Vanessa replied bluntly and Dean groaned, making Sam laugh to himself as he stole looks over at Vanessa who was huddled over her journal.

She was cute when she concentrated, her forehead would crease into little lines and her tongue poked out through her teeth when she was deep in thought.

"Dragons... Dragons..." Vanessa repeated, tapping her pencil on her forehead before she stopped. "Oh shite."

"What? What is it?" Sam asked, concerned.

"Right, so, I couldn't exactly remember what happened after Sam got his soul back, only that it involves dragons and virgins-"

"Fun times."

"-but I just remembered that it happens literally the day Sam woke up which means-"

"It's already happened." Sam finished for her and she nodded. "What does that mean? What did the dragons do?"

"They released Eve."

The guys had been some distracted by Vanessa turning up they hadn't been looking for cases, lord knows what they've missed since she arrived in their world.

"Eve? Like Adam and Eve?" Sam questioned, a puzzled look on his face as he glanced over at Dean.

"No. Eve is the mother of every monster on Earth and she's been locked away in Purgatory for like, ever."

"And you didn't think it was important to tell us that?" Dean exclaimed, his tone not one that Vanessa liked.

"Didn't I say I only just remembered?" Vanessa replied back through gritted teeth. "You try multidimensional travel and see how your memory fares!"

Lucky Charm // Sam Winchester ✔️Where stories live. Discover now