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Meeting Balthazar went exactly how Vanessa had expected it to, he still tried to send Sam and Dean into the fake universe where their lives were a TV show, pretty much her world but... not at the same time.

"There isn't time to muck around, you need to keep this key safe!" Balthazar held the key up in front of him and Vanessa sighed, her body blocking him from drawing the sigil on the window.

"You mean the key to a bus locker in Albany?" She said in a flat tone that made Balthazar's mouth open, then snap shut again.

"How did you...?"

"I'm from the future." Vanessa told him bluntly. "And you should be thankful as I may end up saving your life."

She would definitely be saving his life, she loved that chaotic little angel.

"What are you-" Balthazar was cut off when a huge wind swept throughout the house, blowing papers off desks and wrecking Vanessa's hair she'd spent ages on perfecting.

"Crap, it's Virgil. It's too late now." Balthazar glared at Vanessa for ruining his plan, but she just rolled her eyes, lighting a match and dropping it the second Virgil appeared, circling him in a ring of holy fire.

"Future." She said again to Balthazar who seemed to be a little impressed with this new addition to the Winchester gang. Maybe she wasn't as bad as he'd just thought after all.

"Are you gonna explain what the hell is happening?" Dean asked, completely lost and surrounded by too many angels. There was only two angels but even that was still too many for his liking.

"Balthazar was going to send you two on a wild goose chase with Virgil here." Vanessa gestured to Virgil, his face riddled with anger over being trapped in holy fire.

"Who is this girl?" Virgil spat, looking Vanessa up and down. Raphael hadn't mentioned anything about her to him and he didn't like not knowing who she was and how she knew he was coming.

"Quiet you, the adults are talking." Vanessa gestured to herself, Sam, Dean and Balthazar, who couldn't help but smile at the girls brazen attitude.

"I like her." Balthazar said quietly, but not quiet enough as Vanessa heard him and felt all giddy inside as Balthazar didn't seem to really like anybody in the show besides Castiel, you know, before he killed him.

"Raphael will come for you all." Virgil said through gritted teeth.

"Let him try, we have a trap set for that gobshite and all." Vanessa muttered, leaving Virgil confused as to her words.

They didn't actually have a trap set for Raphael but Vanessa knew Virgil would try and warn him, tell him not to show up so she figured it was the best idea. They weren't exactly well equipped to deal with the wrath of an angry archangel, not yet anyway. Vanessa was still waiting on Crowley to update her as to Asmodeus' whereabouts, they could really use Gabriel right about now.

"Balthazar, you need to go and find the weapons before Raphael does." Vanessa turned to the angel who nodded, surprisingly listening to what she had to say.

"Right, yes well, cheerio." Balthazar vanished, leaving Vanessa and the Winchesters to deal with Virgil.

"What do we do with him?" Sam pointed towards said angry angel.

Lucky Charm // Sam Winchester ✔️Where stories live. Discover now