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Being soulless for a year or finding out there's an Irish girl from another universe sleeping upstairs, Sam didn't know which one seemed more crazy to him.

Both seemed pretty unbelievable. Especially when in Vanessa's universe, his life was a TV show, one which she'd seen more than once meaning she probably knew more about him than he did about himself.

"How's she holding up anyway?" Sam asked Dean, the two of them sitting at Bobby's kitchen table. He couldn't imagine how it must feel to not only be stuck in another universe without a single way of getting home but to also be in an entirely different country.

"I think she's still in shock, I mean not only has she ended up in a different universe, one where monsters exist outside of TV, but she's also in a completely different year."

"She's from 2023 right?" Dean hummed in agreement as he spooned some cereal into his mouth. "I wonder what that's like."

"How long you got?" Vanessa's soft voice reached their ears, followed by a small chuckle over the idea of telling the brothers all about the years 2020 to 2023. Those three years would make the apocalypse feel like a trip to the Aqua Dome.

Sam turned, his eyes widening at the girl behind him. He hadn't seen her yet, she was asleep when he finally woke and they thought best not to disturb her but she wasn't what he'd pictured. For one she was short, like 5 foot 4 short, and secondly she was incredibly pale, like really, really pale. Had Sam not known better he'd have thought she was a vampire pulled straight from a movie.

Vanessa's mane of ginger curls was tied back in a messy ponytail, a few loose ones falling down the side of her freckled covered face. She wore one of Sam's old t-shirts that practically drowned her it was so big on her, the hem of it reaching her knees and the short sleeves touching her elbows.

"Morning." Dean said with a smile as she walked further into the kitchen, her nose scrunching up at the strong smell of coffee.

"Mornin'." She managed a weak smile pointed towards both brothers, she didn't exactly have the energy to play meet and greet with Sam right now especially when she hadn't had her first of many cups of tea. "D'ya have any tea?"

"Tea?" It was Sam who answered her. "I, uh, I don't think so."

Vanessa groaned quietly to herself, the hardest part about ending up in another universe wasn't the fact that it happened to basically be a TV show, no, it was the fact that she was now in America, that was the hard part.

The supernatural she should handle. The lack of Tayto crisps, PG Tips and Cadbury's Crème Eggs, she couldn't.

"Not a coffee person?" Sam asked curiously, sipping on his own hot cup.

"Not exactly." Vanessa replied, her accent getting thicker the more she spoke and the more awake she got.

"We can make a run, pick up some stuff for you if you want." Sam was trying to be nice and Vanessa appreciated that which is why she didn't mean for her next words to sound so rude.

"Somehow I don't think I'll find what I'm looking for in a 7-11." Sam winced a little at her tone of voice and she sighed. "Sorry, I appreciate you wantin' to help, it's just I get moody in the mornings."

"Don't worry about it." Sam smiled briefly. "You have every right to be."

"Can I ask you something?" Dean turned to her and she nodded. "What's it like? The future?"

"D'ya want the short version or the long version?"

"That bad huh?" Dean raised his eyebrow and Vanessa huffed out a laugh. "Let's go with short version."

Lucky Charm // Sam Winchester ✔️Where stories live. Discover now