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It was just her first case, it was really no big deal but Vanessa was nervous. Really nervous. Despite knowing pretty much everything that happened in this episode she was worried that she wouldn't be able to save Rufus, wouldn't be able to stop the Kahn Worm from getting into Bobby and killing his literal best friend.

It was a big weight to carry on her shoulders but she'd do her best to make sure he survived. Especially since Sam, Dean and Bobby himself knew what would happen if they weren't careful, it made it a little easier for her.

Dean was reluctant to let Vanessa go with them but when she ended up on the verge of an Irish rant he gave up and agreed, not wanting to face the wrath of her angry. Plus she knew better than all of them what was about to happen so it would probably be for the best.

So now Dean was making Vanessa her very own FBI badge, much to her excitement. He even let her pick her own fake last name which he couldn't help but think was related to something he had no clue about.

"One FBI badge, Agent Taggart? Whoever the hell that is." Dean mumbled as he tossed Vanessa her badge.

Vanessa caught it excitedly and opened it, her fake name written in block capitals next to a photo of her that she'd made Dean take multiple times until she was happy with it.

"This is so exciting." Vanessa almost squealed giddily, making Sam smile to himself over her excitement, which was incredibly cute.

The two of them had gone out earlier that week, getting her some suits and whatnot to wear on cases. Vanessa hadn't been thrilled with the idea but she eventually ended up picking out some dark green ones, that matched her eyes perfectly and made her look like the embodiment of Ireland. (She was going for that).

"Can't we just call Rufus, tell him to keep his stubborn ass at home?" Bobby asked as he walked into the living room, his own duffel bag over his shoulder. "I ain't liking the sound of this worm thingy or whatever."

"You really want to try and tell him that?" Dean's raised eyebrow pointed in Bobby's direction.

"Ah you're right, ain't no way he'll stand down." Bobby muttered, setting his bag on the desk. "That your new ID?" He smiled over at Vanessa, the excitement practically radiating off her body, clouding the nerves in the pit of her stomach.

"Agent Taggart, pleased to meet you." Vanessa's accent turned Scottish for some reason but none of them said anything, instead they just exchanged amused looks.

"You kids ready to go?" Bobby asked, eyes scanning the room and retrieving three nods of agreement. "Let's hit the road."


The case went exactly as Vanessa remembered. They interviewed the first victim of the Khan Worm, the guy who bashed in his families heads. Saw the footage of Eve, the guys finally putting a face to the name, well not an actual face as she looked similar to a wraith in the footage but still it gave them some idea of what she looked like.

Then the second victim went postal at some packing warehouse, where they'd all end up later, which is where Bobby met up with Rufus. The two of them then headed to the morgue to check the body for the "weird grey goo" as Vanessa had called it, and they found exactly that, in the guys ear. Right where she said it'd be.

Which led to now, the five of them outside the warehouse about to go in.

"Are ye sure I can't convince ye to stay outside?" Vanessa was nearly running to catch up with Rufus as they headed inside.

"Hell no, I ain't about to walk out on a case. Death or no death." Rufus grumbled and Vanessa sighed, he appreciated her trying to save his life, that is if he believed she was telling the truth, which he wasn't sure he did yet. She hadn't quite explained how she knew he'd die.

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