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─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
𝖓𝖔 𝖗𝖆𝖕 𝖐𝖆𝖕

After a long and boring two hour drive, I finally arrived at the hotel, it looked quite nice. Luckily Vince allowed me to have my own room but he said that after a few shows he's expecting me to share.

Which was alright, I guess?

I unpacked a few of my necessities and changed out of my tracksuit, into some comfortable pyjamas.

After getting comfortable and ordering some room service, I received a text from Randy.

hey kristal
we're all meeting up at
the bar across the street
at around 8
it would be great if you join us

hey randy
I'll meet you guys there
see you then

Now my evening is ruined, it's not like I don't want to go out but I wanted a night in especially since we got to go back on the road in a few days.

I get out of bed and walk up to my suitcase. There is no reason to to unpack all my stuff since we're going to leave the city the next day.

After having a shower, I get dressed, I couldn't be asked to do my makeup and hair so I pack my hair into a bun. Then I fill in my eyebrows, apply some mascara and lipgloss.

 Then I fill in my eyebrows, apply some mascara and lipgloss

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I pick up my small black purse and head out of the hotel. I cross the road and walk by a few buildings until I reach the bar.

I walk into it, it was a bit crowded and stuffy. I walk past the sweaty bodies, trying to find Randy. Eventually I spot his table a little bit further down the bar, I walk up to the table and tap on Randy's shoulder.

He turns around and smiles at me. "Hey Kristal, you're looking good." He gets off the stool and embraces me in a hug. "Come sit with us." He ushers me to the free seat between him and Batista, we greet each other. "Where's Hunter? I thought you guys were joint at the hip." I ask as I notice it was just the two of them.

"He's spending the night with the miss." Batista says, I think we all know what that means.

"I liked your promo, it was really good." Batista smiles at me, I blush at his compliment. "Thank you." I reply.

Randy notices me blushing and decides to intervene. "I brought you out here to offer you a potential storyline but it's only if you want to do it."

"Sure, let's here it." I take a sip of the coke and rum I ordered a while ago.

"Well... since you have your Aj Lee rivalry storyline, your first match is at Extreme rules, which is weeks away. So I was thinking as a side storyline, you can be my valet."

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