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𝖓𝖔 𝖗𝖆𝖕 𝖐𝖆𝖕

Tonight I'm on smack down, usually I'm only on Raw but, because tonight there is a Halloween diva's battle royal to determine the number one contender for the divas championship.

I'm relay glad that I don't need to wrestle, instead I'm going to be in commentary. My neck has been really hurting since the tag team match a few nights ago.

I've put ice on it and took medication but it's really starting to bother me, it really stiff and it's painful to look down.

Even if I wanted to go to the doctors, that would mean I would have to take time off. And I can't afford that, especially being the champion.

I've been avoiding Roman and the boys since our kiss, I've been travelling with Naomi, Cameron and Jimmy Uso, even though they're really nice.

But they're a couple and they don't try to hide it so it's so awkward for Cameron and I, but at least she has someone to experience it with.

Roman has tried to text me but I've been really dry and straight forward, I can't bring myself to look at him in a friendly way, I like him, but I know he doesn't like me so I need to distance myself from him.

Tonight I got ready in the toilets, I couldn't bare looking at The Bella's I'll probably beat their asses before they even get to the battle royal. Surprisingly, Brie isn't participating in the royal, I think she's out on an injury or something.

But I'm not complaining, one less Bella to deal with today.


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For the sake of Halloween I dressed up as Megan Fox in Jonah Hex, curtesy of Christina for buying me this outfit.

I wouldn't have ever thought of wearing this outfit, let alone in public but Christina made me realise that I needed to act like a "bad bitch" so The Bella's won't feel as if they did anything or they bothered me.

I was walking down the hallway, I received a lot of stares. I spot Roman talking to Big E, I rushed past them praying none of them notice me.

"Kristal!" Big E shouts, I take a deep breath before turning around to face the pair. Roman's eyes were glued to my outfit, I couldn't tell if he liked it or hated it.

"Hey Big E, Roman." I smile at the pair, Roman nods at me, Big E could tell that there was tension.

"Well, look at the time, I better get going Kofi probably needs my help putting on his pants." He rushes off leaving us alone.

Roman grabs my hand and pulls me to a more secluded part of the arena, the crates. "Why have you been avoiding me?"

"Whaatt...? Get out of here."

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