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─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
𝖓𝖔 𝖗𝖆𝖕 𝖐𝖆𝖕

Today was Monday Night Raw and tensions still were high. After Evolution loosing to The Shield and my betrayal, it was just the smallest thing can set everything off.

Tonight Dean is going to defend his united states championship against 19 opponents in a battle royal, then I have a promo addressing extreme rules and The Shield have a match against the Wyatt family.

I pulled up to the arena with the boys around 2pm, I had to do a few photoshoots and a meet and greet with the VIP guests, so had to leave the boys since they needed to get ready for their match. Luckily I don't have a match tonight, so I didn't have to do much.

I was in the locker room with Natalya, Trinity and The Bella's. They were getting ready for tonight, I think Natalya and Trinity have a match tonight.

"Who's ready for tonight?" Natalya asks in her usually chirpy voice. "I'm ready to whoop your ass." Trinity sassily replies, I laugh at their interaction. "Yeah sure, you're saying that but when I put you in a sharpshooter you're going to be eating your words." Natalya winks at her before turning back around to face the mirror.

"Okay ladies, keep it civil. As Divas Champion I have to make sure you keep it cute." I voice as Nikki helps zip up my corset top. "And...done!" She moves away from me and looks at the final look.


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"Damn girl you look so fucking hot." Trinity walks over to admire my look, she playfully slaps my butt. "Oi! Watch your hands Miss." I narrow my eyes at her, she blows me kiss. "Okay girls let's got to the screening room, I want to watch Dean's match before my segment.

"Ooh does Kristal have a crush on Dean Ambrose?" Brie giggles, I kiss my teeth at her. "Girl shut the fuck up. I don't like him like that, since I betrayed Evolution I need to figure out their next move."

"So watching Dean's match is a part of that?" Trinity raises her eyebrow, I roll my eyes at her before picking up my phone and purse. "Come on ladies, I want first row seats."

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Dean sadly lost his championship to Sheamus, he did well though he lasted to the top 5. Now it's my segment, Paul had not told me how my segment is going to go, he said just to address everything, he said that I'm going to turn into a heel so I needed to be more egotistical and self absorbed.

I feel there's much more to it, but I guess we have to wait and see. I was handed my belt and waited by the gorilla for me cue.

I didn't even notice Roman creeping up behind me. "Hey Kris, good luck out there." I quickly turn around, he as wearing his wrestling gear and his hair was already wet. I really loved his gear, the bullet proof vest adds a bit of edge to his character.

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