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─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
𝖓𝖔 𝖗𝖆𝖕 𝖐𝖆𝖕

I was sat in the canteen, the canteen was very busy, everyone was excited for the main event, except me.

I knew I was going to pay the consequences for betraying evolution, the worst part is that I'm going to be alone. If I liked it or not Randy was my only real ally but my betrayal makes me a target.

"KRISTAL WHERE THE FUCK IS SHE?!" Randy screams, everyone looks towards me, I bow my head in shame as Randy storms into the canteen. "Randy I can explai-." I didn't even get to finish my sentence as Randy flips the table over.

The canteen was silent, most people left the room while the ones that stayed watched.

"Listen here you little bitch, I gave you everything! I was the only one who was willing to put up with you. I was the one who got you that divas championship, I made you! And the way you thank me was by embarrassing me in front of millions of people." He yells at me, a single tear ran down my cheek as he looks at with which hate.

I couldn't say anything, I don't know what to say.

"What? You got nothing to say? You embarrassed? You should be, now I know how Jason felt, no wonder he ran his dick through all those cheerleade-." He couldn't finish his sentence as I slap him across his face.

He chuckles to himself as he turns his head back, he then grab me by my hair, but he was dragged away from me by Roman. He turns him around just to punch him in the face, Randy falls down to the ground, groaning in pain. "What the fuck!" He grunts, but Dean and Seth ignore him and drag him out of the canteen.

"Sorry that he said that Kristal." Roman places his hand on my shoulder, I flinch at his touch.
"You okay Kristal?" Seth asks, I nod but all of them frown. "Kristal are you sure you're okay?" Dean asks.

I was silent, Roman looks to the guys before helping me off the chair. "What you guys looking at?" Seth shouts at the on lookers, everyone stops watching us but instead finding something to do. Roman and the guys led me out of the canteen down to a secluded area, behind the crates.

"Thank you Kristal, for what you did out there." Dean says, trying to break the silence. "I didn't do it for you... I did it since I don't need them anymore." I smirk to myself, the boys look to each other in confusion, wondering what I was going on about.

"You guys wouldn't understand... but you're welcome." I shrug as I look down to my lap, avoiding eye contact. "You're aware now the authority are going to target you." Roman voices, I look up. "Yeah... I know, but I don't care. I won't be going down without a fight." Roman smiles sympathetically, I look at my phone, the show was about to end. It's time I head to the next city for Raw tomorrow. "Umm look I need to go, it's going to be a long ride to the next city."

I get up off the crates walking away from the trio. "Kristal wait up!" Roman shouts as he runs up to me, I turn around. "We're also heading to the same city, if you want you can come with us. We're good company."

Even though I wouldn't mind the company, but after the night I've had. I would rather go to bed and binge watch vampire diaries.

"I'm not sure..."

"Come on Kristal, you don't want to miss Roman's singing." Dean chimes in, Roman gives Dean the middle finger, I hold in my laugh as he turns back to face me.

"Uh fine... I'll come. But I need to grab my bag from the locker room then I'll meet you in the car park."

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

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