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─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
𝖓𝖔 𝖗𝖆𝖕 𝖐𝖆𝖕

We've been at the beach for the past two hours, we've been talking about anything and everything, it was quite relaxing to say the least.

"He cheated on you and you still stayed?" Roman questions, I bite my lip just at the memory, it's very embarrassing to think about, but Roman tried his best to make me feel better, but I couldn't help but feel like an idiot. "Yeah... he apologised and kept saying he'll change, he kept on saying it meant nothing and I was the one for him."

"But he continued to hurt you." He questions, I sigh before answering. "Crazy how love works." I shrug."So when did you decide enough was enough?"

"It had gotten to a point where I had no friends except for Christina, I had barely spoken to my mother in months. I was always stuck at home, not even going to the supermarket to buy some milk. The only thing I had was social media, I kept on reading those mean comments, saying I was an idiot for staying or that I'm ugly or I'm pathetic. I kept on getting tagged in throwback posts of my time in WWE, when I was happy. I deceived to take the risk and search for my own happiness and I left him. It was really hard at first, there was always that urge to call him and take him back. But once I got in the ring, started training and stuff, it all just left my mind. I actually felt as if I had a purpose, I had a bit of confidence which I thought died. But I'm happy I left, if I didn't I wouldn't have cam back, won this championship or even met you."

He smiles at me, he tries to hide his blush but it was clear it was working. "I'm happy you left, and I'm happy I've met you Kris, you're special and you deserve someone who's really going to love you and treat you with respect."

"Thank you Roman, I appreciate it."

"It's no problem." I rested my head on his shoulder, we sat in silence as we gaze at the sky, the sound of the waves crashing against one another was soothing. It wasn't awkward, but calming.

"If you weren't a wrestler, what would you have done instead?" He looks over to me, probably wondering where my random question came from, but I wasn't looking at him, I was staring at the ocean.

"I don't know to be honest, I was in the NFL for sometime, but something happened like really bad, but I don't want to get into it, so I got kicked out. After that I was taking random jobs until I found wrestling. But, I honestly don't know."

"You playing football, I can't imagine you in the uniform and stuff. Cute though." He chuckles at my last comment. "What about you?"

I don't really have a set career, I never really had one job I wanted, I wanted to do it all.

"Probably go travelling or go into real estate, you can make big racks from it."

I look to my phone, it was almost mid night, I wanted to stay for longer but we both got a match tomorrow. "It's getting a bit late, we should head back to the hotel." We both get out of the car boot and I help him pack away the food and blanket. He drives us back to the hotel.

We reach my floor and Roman walks me to my door. "Good night Kristal." He says before gently kissing my cheek, my cheeks warm up as I try to contain my excitement. He kissed me!

"Night Roman."

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Today was Monday Night Raw, I was a bit more excited for work than usual because I'm actually going to have a match tonight against Alicia Fox.

I went to the women's locker room and it was busy as usual. I got changed into my gear.

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