𝖙𝖜𝖊𝖓𝖙𝖞 𝖔𝖓𝖊

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─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
𝖓𝖔 𝖗𝖆𝖕 𝖐𝖆𝖕

Sometimes in life we have to let go of things we love, to prevent ourselves from getting hurt. Corniest line ever but it applies to my life right now.

It's funny how in the matter of eight months, I've had the best time of my life.

I was able to break away from the toxicity of Jason.

I was able to go back to wrestling and become the champion.

I was able to make life long friends.

And even meet someone who I've grown to like.

The shield beat Evolution, no surprise there. I knew the boys would beat them. While they celebrated, I was in the the emergency room.

I found out I have a fractured neck and they will perform surgery in it, but due to high amount of force and stress on the neck, the chances of me ever wrestling again is slim to none.

When I received this news I cried, but not tears of sadness but tears of joy.

This might be the end of my wrestling career but I accomplished so much, and that is something that can never be taken away from me.

So I may have to wear a neck brace and heels but I know there so much more the world has to offer.

Tonight is Raw after Payback, this is going to be my last time being on the road. I begged and got my doctor to agree, for me not wear my neck brace at the arena but as soon as my segment is done, I need to put it back on.



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"Well... I lost." The crowd boos, I couldn't help but laugh. "Yep and it sucks... but that's not what I'm here to talk to you guys about."

"When I first started wrestling, back in the 2000s, I was told that women weren't supposed to be wrestlers, we had to find other ways of entertaining the fans.

That meant demeaning bikini contests or being a wrestlers arm candy or 2 minute matches."

"But things have changed, and that's not only thanks to the women in that locker room who work their ass off every week, but all of you."

"And this is why I'm standing before you today.... I was told by the medics that I've fractured my neck. Even if I do have surgery... the chances of returning to the ring is slim to none."

The crowd was shocked, I haven't told anyone except Stephanie and Vince about my neck injury. I can only imagine the locker room's reaction.

"I've enjoyed wrestling before all of you, all the autographs, all the pictures all the smiles and laughs. This may be the end of my time but trust and believe these divas deserve a chance... all I ask from you is help them.

They deserve more screen time then 2 minute matches, they deserve to have respect and the only people that can help them is you."

"That is my only wish, thank you for truly being the reason why I go to work everyday."

"This isn't goodbye but it's a see you later."

I place the microphone in the middle of ring, I wipe the stray tear as make my out of the ring, for one final time.

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"Well, that's it?" Roman asks as we walk down the beach in Florida. After Raw, Roman wanted to see me one more time before going back on the road.

"Yep... that's it. I'm officially retired."

"How does it feel?"

"It's okay, I'm coping better than how I thought I would." I shrug. "So what are you going to do now?"

"Probably get better and get this neck brace off, then probably go back into sports modelling, until I figure stuff out."

"You'll figure it out, I have faith in you."

"Thanks Ro Ro." We laugh at my beautiful nickname for him. "So what does this mean for us?" He stops walking and takes my hand.

"What do you mean?" I frown. "We're not going to see each other that much anymore since you're not on the road."

"Well if you ever come by New York than you know where to find me." I playfully nudge him. "What happens if I want to see you in Florida?"

I narrow my eyes at him."What are you trying to say?"

"Look Kristal, I've known you for almost eight months and I've really like the way your eyes glow up when you're happy or when your dimples come out when you smile. I like your laugh, how you're selfless and you're ability to always be there for someone. I like you Kristal, ever since I first laid eyes on you on that night on Raw. And I know I screwed up with the Randy thing and I'm sorry about that. The reason why I didn't contact you after is because I'm ashamed. I let that happen to you, I promised to protect you and I failed. But when I heard about you being jumped I had to see you.

Wow I really went off topic.

But anyways...

Kristal... will you be my girlfriend?"

"You know I've been waiting a long time for you to ask my that." I smile at him as I pull him into a hug.

"Okay you gotta do better than that." He grins, he pulls me into a soft kiss, the kiss wasn't like our first one, it was gentle and full love. He pulls away from the kiss and points to the sky, a multitude of fireworks went off.

"Wow they're beautiful, let me guess Trin and Jimmy have something to do with this?"

"Well only the best for my girlfriend." I places a soft kiss on my forehead as we watch the fireworks go off.


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