Chapter 21

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Shane decided to carry me home, as usual it was empty.

I climbed the stairs up to my bedroom. As I threw my bag across my room landing it in the corner. I ploped down onto my bed and tried my hardest not to cry. I needed to distract myself, I didn't have dance until 6 and it was only 4. I pulled out my laptop and logged onto Facebook.

I needed to talk to Jade but as a photo in my news feed came up I immediately froze. There was a picture with Jade and her friend Kelsey in matching t-shirts which said She's my Bestie!

Great now I even lost my bestfriend!

I slammed my laptop close and let out an aggravated groan. I decided it was best to take a shower and get ready for dance.

"Come on Trent! Hold her like its going to be the last time you'll be able to!" Mistress Camille shouted.

We were currently working on our duet and It was hell!

"You know what! Take 5, when I get back you better be ready to work your butts off!" Mistress Camille yelled walking out the studio leaving us there alone.

I sat down on the floor and went into a right split when Trent spoke up.

"You need to brush up on that Jete, you look sloppy," he commented going into a plie.

I looked at him with disbelief.

"Brush up on that lift, where you almost dropped me!" I shot back.

"Calm down, I just thought you needed to be corrected."

"Don't tell me what I need to correct!"

"Oh my gawd! Zidaya! I know I hurt you, but please the dance concert is in two weeks, can we just focus on that?" He pleaded.

I shot him a warning glare and stood up next to him so we could start the dance. We practiced until Mistress Camille came back in with the rest of the members for the group dance.

After dance was over I called Skylar to pick me up.

"Hey, Lily can I talk to you?" I asked leaning against her locker.

"Yeah sure, what's up?" She asked switching out her books.

"Nothing, have you realized Jade and Kelsey hanging out more often?" I asked rocking back and forth on my sneakers.

"Oh yeah every day they're together they are two peas in a pod...." She trailed off realizing it was hurting me.

"Its okay...I mean its my fault, we have English together now, don't we?" I asked pulling at the hem of my uniform skirt.

"Yeah, come on! You wanna share my cookie?" She offered.

She broke her cookie into two pieces and gave me the half.


We walked to class talking about some random crap.

As we sat down Jade came in with Kelsey's arm linked with hers. They were talking and laughing but stopped when they saw me. Did I do something wrong?

The day passed slowly and I just really wanted to get home. I didn't wait to see Shane nor did I wait to see Jade. I just took the bus home.

When I got home surprisingly my mom was there. I walked into the kitchen and there she was standing over the stove.

"Hey Mom," I greeted.

"Hey honey, home so early?"

"Yeah, I felt like I needed to study, you know with exams coming up and all," I lied running my fingers through my side ponytail.

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