Chapter 18

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"Can we leave now?!" I yelled over the loud music.

We had just arrived at Trent's house and I already wanted to leave. I mean the house was full of teengers with raging hormones. I mean a slow song was playing but there were persons still grinding against each other. How do you even grind to a slow song?

"We just got here!" Lily and Jade shouted back in unison.

I rolled my eyes at them.

We made our way through the crowded house towards the kitchen. Hoping to find Trent, I started looking around.

"Umm, hi," a blonde hair guy greeted us.

"Hi," we all replied at the same time.

"So what are your names?" He asked leaning against the counter. We introduced ourselves and I did a slight wave.

"Zidaya? Oh your Trent's girl? Cool name, you too Jade but Lily, your name is as beautiful as you," he smile nodding towards her.

Lily almost turned a bright red.

"You wanna dance?" He asked holding out his hand.

Lily looked at the hand and then us, I mentally slapped her.

"Go!" Jade cried out as I started to squeal in excitement.

Lily flashed us one last smile before disappearing into the living room.

"Well I'm gonna go get something to drink," Jade announced leaving me before I could even stop her.

"She better not get drunk," I mumbled looking at my nails.

Just then I saw Trent stumbling into the kitchen. Not the once, perfect, angelic, Trent but a rugged one, his clothes was crumbled his eyes looked droopy and he smelt like beer. He was drunk.

"Hey Day! You having a good time?!" He yelled making me flinch.

"You don't need to shout Trent, I can perfectly hear you," I stated, I won't lie that may have sounded like attitude but I was supposed to be allowed to give it, look at what I've been going through.

"Someone's a little cranky just have some fun,"  he said moving closer to me only leaving a small breathing space for me.

"Nah I'm good," I fanned him off but he still didn't move.

"You look like a dark angel, look at the way your hair just falls over your shoulders, your body, damn! But those lips....look so kissable."

With that his lips came crashing down on mine but I didn't feel anything for him at least anymore.

"Get... Off me!" I yelled digging my nails into his arm and pushing him away.

He moved and examined his hand that my nails just sank into that was now oozing blood.

"You little whore!" He yelled at me but then he did the least expectant thing.

He hit me.

He pushed me to the floor , and kept on stepping down unto my stomach he bent down and started punching me all over. I screamed for help but its like no one was hearing me. The fucking music!

He finally stopped and stood over me.

"Think about the next time you hurt me," he spat then stumbled out the kitchen.

I layed there, could barely move, my ribs hurt, my face hurt, my legs hurt, even my heart hurt. Tears were streaming down my face, I couldn't believe that Trent did this to me.

I hung myself to the counter and pulled myself up.

Wrong thing to do, Jade came back in and immediately stopped when she saw me.

"What happened?!" She ran up to me helping me up.

I had to lie. You all see what she does when she gets angry. Plus its my problem not hers.

"Got in a fight with some red head, they had to carry her to the hospital," I lied trying to give her a shallow smile.

"Okay, your lying but that's not important right now, let's get you home,"

We walked out the kitchen together, me clinging to Jade for support. When we finally found Lily we left.

Its Sunday morning and I can barely move, I barely slept, my mind kept going back to Trent last night. So I can actually say I look like someone drew me through the mud.

No one was home because Skylar was at a retreat since yesterday and Emily slept at a friend's and Mom's working at the office, still.

I got up from the bed my whole body aching, I stumbled my way to my closet and then the bathroom. I took a long shower and then went back to my bedroom. I was about to fall asleep when my phone rang out.

"Hello?" I answered without looking at the caller ID.

"Zidaya, we need to talk," I heard Shakeid's voice.

"About?" I asked.

"Stuff,can I come over?" he stated being totally blant.

"You have to leave before two though, my mom's coming home early today,"

"Okay I'll see you then," with that he hung up. I just remembered the state I was in and let out a small groan. I looked into my closet and there I saw a huge navy blue hoodie. Shane's hoodie. I had no other choice, I had to put it on. It still smelt like him. I pulled on the huge hoodie over my tank top and black leggings.

I sat on my bed and pulled my kness to my chest. I closed my eyes for a quick second but the events of last night played out in my head and each time I got a hit, the bruise I got seemed to hurt more. I wanted the pain to stop. I wanted it all to stop.

I opened my eyes and the tears just flowed down my cheeks. I walked down to the bathroom and opened the medicine cabinet. I took down every single pill bottle and spread them across the counter. I popped them open an downed four bottles of pills. I took the bottles up into my hands and started to walk down the stairs but my vision was going blurry, my throat felt dry and my palms were sweaty, I had to hold on to the railing for support. As I stepped off the staircase, I felt consciousness slip from me. I cell to the floor unconscious.

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