Chapter 7

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As I ran down the street, I saw a bus coming, it read Jersey shore at the top so I stopped it.

I used my last amount of money in my pocket to pay. I looked on my phone 17 missed calls and the phone started ringing, Shane was calling, I hanged it up, I didn't wanna talk to anyone right now. I just needed to be alone.

As the bus approached the beach it was still dark so I stepped out with my shoes in my hands. Didn't want sand in my converse. I walked out to the shore just where the water meets the sand. As the water touch my feet I felt my phone vibrating in my back pocket. I took it out and answered.

"Oh thank God! Zidaya where are you?" Asked Jade.

I could here Shane in the back ground. I managed to hear him say "give me the phone."

"Hey Zidaya," he said.

"Hey," I said plainly.

"I'm coming to get you tell me where you are,"

"I'm no where I just need to be alone,"

I hung up the phone and walked up the sand a little more, I sat on the sand watching the sunrise. I removed my black hoodie, exposing my black spaghetti strap shirt. I was wearing black skinny jeans and my hair was straightened.

I took off my jeans, I was wearing my black tights under it. I walked out into the water I walked till it was just about waist length but I went under, then I heard someone scream my name.

I came to the surface and saw Shane running towards the water. I walked out the water.  Whe he approached me he grabbed my arm and yanked me around to face him.

"What the hell day?!" He yelled letting off my hands and placing his hands on his head.

"How did you find me?" I asked straight faced but I started to shiver I was wet from head to toe.

"What?" He turned looking back at me.

"How did you find me!" I said clenching my teeth.

"I heard the waves crashing down, I guessed where you were, I kinda guessed right," he explained.

I turned away from him and walked to my extra clothes, my phone and my shoes and took them up and started walking towards the road.

"Where are you going?"

"Somewhere far from here," I replied plainly.

"What's your problem?!" He yelled.
This got me mad.

I turned around and walked up to him and threw down everything on the sand and started to push him back while I did this tears started to roll down my cheeks.

"You don't know me, stop acting like you do, my life is f*cked up?" I screamed between sobs while I punch him in th chest.

All he did was start wrapping his arms around me. I soon stopped punching him, I just stayed there in his arms crying,

He slowly lowered us to the sand. This made me end up on top of him but I leaned to the side so only my upper body was on his.

I must have fallen asleep because I woke up to the sound of Maia's yelling

I sat up on the sand, I was surrounded by Jade, Lily, Alex, Jacob and Dean.

"Hey honey," said Jade helping me up.

I looked to my right and saw Maia and Shane cursing.

"What's their problem?" I asked yawning.

"Oh, Maia's mad because he ran off early this morning disappearing and he called Jade this morning telling us where you guys were and when we all arrived you guys were kinda too comfortable for her liking" explained Jacob.

My eyes widened.

I ran over to Shane and Maia. Everyone else following.

"Good morning guys," I said both heads shot towards me, Shane's face was blank but Maia looked at me in disgust.

"Oh look the whore is up," she spat out.

My eyes widened.

"Ohhhhh!!!!this nigga just called her a whore, its about to get nasty up in here!" Hollered Zac.

"Excuse me?!" I asked.

"yea you heard me, bitch!" she retorted.

She had no right to be treating me this way,

"Bitch does it look like i was fucking your boyfriend?" I yelled.

Her eyes widened at me, she did the most unexpected thing ever.

She actually ran on to me and slapped me in my face. 

Shane grabbed onto my hands that were levered behind my back.

"Maia how could you?" I screamed and trying to wiggle out of Shane's grasp. he let go but then he turned me towards him.He placed his hands on my cheeks and slowly wiped away a tear. I was staring at his chest but i looked up at his amazing eyes, Oh my god Zidaya why did you look at his eyes?!

i could feel everyone's eyes staring at us,Shane must have realized it too because he had a smirk on his face, but then i realized that he was leaning closer towards me. was heabout to kiss me? no this cant happen if i kiss him it will totally kill tthe friendship,so i placed my hands on his and removed them from my face. I turned around and picked up myy stuff and started to walk towards he road but i turned around everyone was in the same position, everyone was staring at me.

"whos gonna drive me tto Jade's house?" i asked

Everyone except Maia pointed to Shane. he ran up to me and i jumped on his back,he was giving me a piggie back ride. he turned around and i showed a middle finger to Maia.

"Oh,you bitch!" she was gonna run but Dean and Zac held onto her.

That bitch didn't know what wwas coming her way.

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