Chapter 6

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As I walked home I put in my earphones. Nibbling on my nails. I was worrying, it was after 7 and I wasn't at home. My mom was coming home early and I didn't clean my room, didn't finish my homework, didnt cook dinner and didn't tell her I would be late today.


By the time I reach at the drive way its 8:30.

I opened the door and the lights were off but my mom's car was in the driveway. I look around the corner of the hall and realized that the kitchen light was on.

I walked into the kitchen and there was my mom with a ziploc bag in her hand. Oh Gosh that stupid ziploc bag, when she had that ziploc bag it meant she was gonna take something from you, and I knew it was my phone.

"Goodnight mom," I spoke up while setting my bags on the floor.

"Where the hell were you? Its a Friday and you see what time your coming home?!" She shouted at me.

"I had dance," I say almost in a whisper but she still managed to hear.

"Dance soon get your ass raped!"

"Mom! The world is not out to take me!"

"Don't raise your voice at me young lady! Your gonna stop dancing, and that is the end of this discussion! Now give me your phone!"

"No this is not the end of discussion,'

Oh my gosh, I'm getting in dome deep shit, shut up Zidaya!

I continued

" Ever since dad and you got divorced I had to grow up! I cook, clean, do laundry, I even buy the groceries. When I dance I can finally behave like my age! You have not been to a competition or recital! And I'm not giving you my..." She cut me off there.

She slapped me across my face.

"Your no big woman, you think I got soft just watch me!"

I stood there looking at her with my hands on my left jaw and tears streaming down my face.

I only had on my leotard and some sweats, she  walked up to me with a knife, held my leotard strap and used the knife and cut them.

"I said no dance, and if you dare go behind my back..." I didn't wanna hear anymore. I ran up the stairs and slam my room door shut.

How could she take away the one thing I had left?!

I could hear her running upvthe stairs and she screaming out my name, I ignored her.

I dialed Jade's number.

"Hello," answered Jade.

"Hey, can I sleep over tonight?"

"Honey, what's wrong?"

Obviously she must have realized that my voice was shaky and with all the banging on my door.

"I'll tell you when I'm there."

"Okay, just don't hurt yourself."

I hung up and grabbed my dance bag, school bag and a duffle bag. I stuffed my duffle bag with enough clothes to last me for a week. I grabbed my toothbrush and my charger and dance clothes into my dance bag. I heard my mom walk down the stairs. I changed my top

while brushing my hair.

I quickly opened my window and then my room door. I climbed out my window and then shut it. I was on the roof I jumped down but gladly I didn't break or sprain anything.

I walked all the way to her house. She was on the porch waiting for me.

"Hey Candy, are you moving in?"

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