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Two days later, Aida is recovering from her surgery and everything went well.

They discharged me yesterday, apparently the only things I managed to get is dehydration, a dislocated shoulder and a slightly more inflated ego.

Tiana and Diane went out and bought far to many baby things so now my living room looks like the inside of a daycare centre.

And the spare room looks like a ransacked nursery.

The crib and drawers haven't been set up yet but the others are going to put them up after their shift.

Which I obviously can't participate in so instead I'm sat with Aida while the doctor checks her over.

Aida smiles at the doctor as the doctor begins to give her a neuro exam.

"She's very smiley." The doctor laughs as he begins to check her reflexes. "She always like that?"

"I only met her a few days ago but even when we're stranded down a ravine, she smiled most of the time." I reply and he nods his head.

Aida continues smiling as the doctor finishes his exam and then turns to me.

"Okay. She's doing amazingly so I'd say we can discharge her today, I'll get Mr Amatos to sign the discharge papers within the hour, after that you can take her home. I'll give you both instructions on a leaflet, like things to look for and things to avoid. I'll go do all that now." He smiles and I nod my head.

He goes to walk away when he turns to me.

"It was a pleasure to meet you, there has been a lot of talk about what you did. Any thoughts on switching careers? Becoming a trauma surgeon?" He asks.

I smile and shake my head slightly.

"I love my job more than anything but thank you." I say and he nods his head before leaving.

In the past two days, Matt hasn't been down once.

He's still stuck in his whole 'I'm not ready and I need to speak to her mom' which is bullshit, he's just terrified.

I send a text to Tiana, telling her to come down in an hour with the baby seat in her car because she's getting discharged and all I got were two thumbs up emojis and a heart emoji.

A nurse walks in with a leaflet of the instructions for her care and I happily take them from her while the nurse looks down at Aida with a smile.

I scan through it and look back up at the nurse.

"Okay so if You feel new bumps on her  head 3 to 5 days after surgery, or the bumps get bigger after 2 weeks call her doctor or you can call this ward and speak to one of our nurses. Of course if she has a fever, if she throws up more then she should and if it her incision swells, call us immediately. Bathe her incision gently with baby shampoo of course be gentle, the stitches will dissolve so there's no need to come back and have them removed." The nurse tells me and I nod my head.

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