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Spencer drives us out of the station, sirens blaring through the streets as weave in and out of oncoming cars.

"Everest." Matt tries to speak and I let out a loud annoyed breath.

"I'm going to stop you before you continue, for your own sake. Whatever your about to say does not make a difference to me. So save your voice." I say holding up a hand to him.

"Ev, listen to me for fucks sake." Matt sighs and i scoff.

"I'd rather stick cocktail sticks in my eyes right now then listen to your bullshit, and guess what, they're both equally as painful so just shut up." I hiss as the smell of smoke begins to fill the confined space.

It's not just smoke, there's something else.

"Does anyone else smell chlorine?" Ivan asks from the front.

"Yep. Pace yourself guys!" I yell as we pull up to the address and climb out.

There's a huge river wrapping around the building meaning there's only two ways out of the building, from the front and the emergency door from the side.

A thin smoke fills and doesn't seem to be evaporating at all meaning this fire is just as big as I thought.

Workers of the industrial building are running out, their hard hats still on their heads and high vis jackets still wrapped around them.

Eli and Turner are both in their EMT gear and beginning to open the back of the ambulance as the Captain pulls up in the car.

We all look up at the huge building that has smoke coming from each and every window, not that there's many windows to begin with.

Workers keep filing out like it's endless and I look to Turner and Eli who are already setting up triage for the injured.

"Fiore! As soon as hazmat has completed their assessment I want you leading the charge!" Stewart commands and I nod my head.

"Yes captain." I reply.

I turn to the door that people are filing out of and see a man limping as he walks and nearly stumbling. I rush over and place his arm around my shoulder as I take in his soot filled face.

"Do you know how many people are inside?" I ask as I begin to help him towards the ambulance.

"There's loads. There was an explosion in the welding area, pipes are bursting all over. It smelt like..." the man can't finish his sentence like he's forgot the word.

"Chlorine." I finish for him and he nods his head. We reach the ambulance and I help him sit on the step as Eli and Turner begin to look him over.

I lock eyes with Stewart who knows what I'm thinking and begins talking into his radio.

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