𝔽𝕣𝕒𝕔𝕥𝕦𝕣𝕖𝕤 ℍ𝕖𝕒𝕝

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Once her shoes are off and she's finished her rambling, she begins walking down the hall and instead of turning into her room, she walks into mine.

I'd argue with her and tell her to get back in her room but I think she may shoot me in the head if I do that.

I place her shoes with the others and kick the door closed behind me. I quickly lock it before walking to the kitchen and grabbing her the Pringles she wants.

I grab some aspirin along with the a some water in the largest glass we have.

I take them and walk into her room and grab her makeup wipes from her vanity table before walking out and across the hall into my room.

I walk with them into my room and she's stood up, studying every corner.

"I've never been in here before." She mumbles. "Is it bad that women you've knows for an hour know the ins and outs of this room and I've lived with you for months and I've never seen it?"

"That doesn't matter. Do you want your Pringles?" I ask shaking the can and her eyes snap to me with a huge grin on her face and I'll be damned if it isn't the funniest and cutest sight I've ever seen.

"I need to change first." She says, lifting her dress up over her head and my eyes widen.

I'm about to rush over to her and pull it back down but she's already thrown it onto the floor.

I look towards her face, doing my best to be respectful.

What the fuck has happened to me.

I don't let my eyes stray anywhere else but I see her hands reach behind her to unclasp her bra and I rush towards her.

It snaps open from the back but it doesn't fall down so I turn her around so her back is facing me.

I place the things I brought with me on my dresser and stand back behind her.

I take the ends of the clasps from her bra and pull them back together so that they are connected together.

"I wanted to change!" She whines.

"Okay, you can change but you don't have to strip for it." I whisper in her ear from behind.

My voice suddenly feels like it's unusable.

I walk to my closet and pull out the largest shirt I own, which is just a plain black T-shirt and a pair of unworn boxers from the new ones I bought when I left hospital.

"Right. You can wear these but do not, under any circumstances, strip." I tell her and she nods her head sluggishly.

She stares at her arms and pokes her right with her left.

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