𝕐𝕠𝕦𝕣 𝕒 𝕊𝕨𝕚𝕗𝕥𝕚𝕖?

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Five days.

Five days that's how long I've been taking care of Aida.

I got my medal of honour award two days ago but the whole time, my mind was on the baby I'm taking care of.

The second I got my medal, I was back in Tiana's car begging her to take me back home where Diane was watching her.

Now it's 3am and she's crying, the guys left for a shift so it's just Tiana and me.

I turn over in my bed and go to get up when Tiana slaps a hand on my wrist.

"We've been through this, we're sleep training her. We have to let her cry." Tiana says sleepily.

"No. I go in there, I don't pick her up I sit in the chair and then she falls asleep." I say back, pushing off the bed and sluggishly walking to Aidas room.

I open the door and walk straight to the chair by her crib and sit down in it, letting my head fall back and closing my eyes.

Aidas cries immediately begin to die down.

Over the past five days, everyone was discussing the best ways to get her to sleep.

We tried picking her up and sitting with her, didn't work.

The other method was to leave her along completely and let her "cry it out" but something inside of me those two days we let her do it, was screaming at me to check on her.

On the fourth night, I discovered I can sit in this chair and she'll go to sleep.

I don't have to pick her up, I just have to be there and five minutes later she falls asleep.

To be fair, she only wakes up maybe twice in the night so I assume it could be worse.

During the day when she cries however, there's no stopping her.

I've tried everything, feeding her, changing her, burping her, moving around and nothing has worked.

I spoke to Diane and she said it's colic and when I asked what the fuck that was this was her response.

"It means they cry for no apparent reason."

Because that's helpful.

I wish she hadn't have said it, I'd prefer to think I was doing something wrong then there was no reason because if it was caused by me, I can fix it.

But if there's no reason, I can't make her feel better.

I'm also the most sleep deprived I've ever been, I don't know how single mothers do it.

Not that I'm a mother.

I feel like the aunt in movies who's sister or brother just died and now they have to take care of their dead siblings kids.

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