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Since I've told Matt, that the place we've been called to is where Tia is working. He's been unusually silent.

"Matt?" I question but he doesn't look at me.

"Matt?" I ask again but he still doesn't look.

His fingers are tapping against his thigh as he looks out the window, his jaw clenched and eyes distant.

"Matt she'll be fine. We don't even know if she's there." I tell him but he shakes his head as his fingers continue to drum anxiously against his leg.

"Matt?" I ask again.

This motherfucker I swear to god.


"What!" He snaps and I lean back with raised eyebrows.

"Excuse you." I say, my voice loud.

"I want to check your okay so don't fucking snap at me!" I shout.

"You keep fucking saying my name!" He yells over the sirens.

"Because you weren't fucking answering me!" I shout back.

"Because I don't want to talk to you!" He snaps again.

"Fine!" I yell back, looking out the small window on my side.

His fingers continue to tap against his leg anxiously and the sound is beyond irritating.

It's like some fucked up ASMR shit and I hate it.

I sit for another minute, trying to tune out the sound of his fingers against his leg but I can't.

He always finds some way to be irritating.

I grab his hand and place it on my thigh, keeping my hand over the top of his and he turns to me with raised eyebrows.

"Trust me. If you want to keep your fingers, this is better for you." I tell him.

He sighs and looks at the floor and his hand tightens around my thigh.

His fingers are practically tucked underneath my leg while his palm sits on top of my thigh.

I look down at his large hand, that suddenly makes me feel less self conscious about my thighs, and rake my eyes over the tattoos.

They're so intricate and beautiful.

There's smoke that trails up his arm with a number in the middle that I can't make out.

I gently pull up his sleeve to reveal the number and when I do my heart decides it's going to run a marathon.


Now to anyone else, that means nothing. It's just a number.

But I know differently.

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