𝕊𝕖𝕣𝕚𝕠𝕦𝕤 𝔻𝕖𝕛𝕒 𝕍𝕦

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I think I'm in an alternate universe because the second I wake up I'm immediately aware I'm not in my room.

Infact I know who's room it is just based off the smell of sandalwood cologne fills my nostrils and the feeling of familiar comforter, that I bought him because he refused to buy one and it was driving me insane, wrapped around me.

I have no idea what happened last night after the first four shots, I have no clue how I got home, when I got home or who I came home with.

God, it better not have been anybody because I still haven't told the man I'm raising a kid with how I feel about him yet.


Oh fuck.

Fuck, fuck, fuck.

I let out the loudest groan and bury my face into the pillow.

I'm going to jump out the window from the fifth floor.

"I love you." I whisper and I feel every muscle beneath me turn rigid, like it suddenly turned to concrete but I carry on.  "You can take it however you want. Wether you want me to mean it in a platonic way or a family way but the way I mean it is that I'm fully 100% annoyingly in love with you and I hate it with every fibre of my being but it's the truth."

This may be the end for me.

I remember telling Taylor that I think my parents knew that I wouldn't hate Matt forever and I remember the first four shots and nearly beating this guys ass when he raised his voice at Shelley but after that, it's mainly blank, except from my drunken confession.

Just kill me.

Screw this, I'm getting a new identity, moving to Tokyo and living underground to hide from the embarrassment.

I pull the comforter over my head and curse myself.

I'm never drinking again, ever.

Okay that may be a lie but I'm not drinking again for atleast a month, maybe longer given my stupidly poor decision making last night. Who knows, next time I might propose fucking marriage.

I lift my head from under the comforter and glance over at the nightstand and see my phone, face down on top of it.

I grab it, immediately pressing Tiana's contact and FaceTiming her.

She answers immediately, like we always do, we press pause on whatever we're doing and answer eachother no matter what we're doing.

Our exes loved it.

Her face pops up across my screen and she's still in bed, her blonde hair tied behind her and not a smidge of makeup on her face, not that she needs it.

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