Chapter 4 - Math Tutor

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Mia's POV
Although I didn't want to admit it, I was pretty happy to hear that Joe wanted to help Kara with her homework. It means that he's starting to think of others and not just himself.

I'm sitting on the bench to watch the Chiefs practice and I've received several text messages from Kara since I've told her that Joe is picking her up to tutor her.

Kara seems excited that Joe is already starting to change back to the way he once was. She's also glad that she's not going to get kicked off the basketball team.

I look up at the sound of someone calling my name I roll my eyes when I realize who called to me. It's Travis.

Travis makes his hands into a heart and I shake my head at his gesture. Travis makes a pouty face and breaks the heart in half. I laugh as one of the Chiefs' linebackers slams into Travis and knocks him to the ground.

Travis lays on the ground for a bit after he was knocked over and I'm worried that something's wrong. I walk over to Travis and crouch down by his head.

"Are you okay?" I ask. Travis smiles and nods.

"Yeah. Now that's you're here,"

I scoff and smack him across the face. I storm away and Travis rubs his cheekbone tenderly. I never missed Joe more than I did now. I had forgotten how different Joe was compared to the other NFL players.

Joe's POV
I laughed as I watched Mia slap Travis across the face. He totally deserved it and I almost wish I was a linebacker. I'd destroy him tomorrow if I was.

I check my watch and realize that I should probably leave to go pick up Kara from school. Kara has her driver's license, but she didn't get a car yet. I insisted on getting Kara a car, but Mia told me no.

When I get to the school, Kara gets into my car with a big smile on her face. I shift my car into park and unbuckle my seatbelt. When I pick Kara up from school for Mia, I usually let Kara drive my car.

Kara excitedly gets into the driver's seat after I get out and then I get into the passenger seat.

"This is awesome. You drove the Acura today," Kara says.

I drove my orange Acura NSX to practice today, not anticipating that I would be picking Kara up from school.

"Just be careful, okay? This car is expensive," I mutter. Kara rolls her eyes.

"Yeah. So is your Porsche and I've driven that about a million times," she says as she shifts the car out of park and pulls out of the parking spot we're in.

I feel like a parent when Kara's driving. I'm a bit on edge and scared that she'll hit something. I'm especially nervous today because she's driving my favorite car.

I sigh in relief when we make it to my house, realizing that I may have been holding my breath almost the entire time Kara was driving back to my house.

"Great job, Kara. Once again, you didn't kill us." I remark. Kara frowns.

"That's rude. Next time, I'll scratch your car with my keys." She says.

"Please don't," I beg. Kara rolls her eyes.

"I wouldn't actually do that. Mia would kill me,"

"That's true,"

Kara obviously knows her way around my house and she goes into the kitchen and sits down in one of the bar stools. She opens her backpack and pulls out her math textbook, notebook, pencil, and calculator.

I sit down next to her and we begin working on her homework.

When we're finished, Mia still hasn't arrived to pick up Kara just yet so we wait.

"So, how's junior year treating you?" I ask.

I haven't talked to Kara about school in a while and I feel kind of bad about it. Making conversation with Kara is a good way to win back Mia.

"Fine. The basketball team is undefeated so far," Kara replies. I smile and nod.

"That's good,"

Mia arrives shortly after my attempt at making conversation with Kara. I smile when I see Mia and she smiles back. I'm a little surprised. She seemed annoyed with me earlier.

"Hi Mia. Here to pick up Kara?" I ask. Mia nods.

"Yep. Thanks for tutoring her. I really appreciate it,"

"Of course. Anything to help out. I know how much basketball means to Kara. It would hurt me to see her get kicked off the team," I explain. Mia's smile becomes brighter at my words.

Something inside my head cheers me on, telling me that I'm definitely going to win Mia back with that comment.

"I'll see you tomorrow, Joe." Mia says with a smile. I frown.

"Aren't you helping the Chiefs tomorrow?" I ask. Mia shakes her head.

"No. I told them that they have to find someone else to be the Chiefs' athletic trainer. I can't stand working with Travis Kelce. He pretended to be hurt today just so I would walk over to him and help him," Mia explains, rolling her eyes.

"Oh, um, okay. I guess I'll see you tomorrow then," I say. My smile gets bigger at Mia's words.

"Yeah. See you tomorrow," Mia adds with a smile.

She walks to her car with Kara. Kara waves good bye to me and wave to her as well.

As soon as I close the door, I pump the air and cheer with excitement. I've already made progress with Mia and it's only been one day since we broke up. At this rate, Mia'll be back in my arms by next week.

Mia's POV
"How was tutoring with Joe?" I ask. Kara shrugs.

"Good. I might actually not have to quit the basketball team," my sister replies. I nod.

"That's good,"

"He seems better than he was. You're definitely going to be back with him in like a week," Kara explains. I smile.

"That's good to know," I say. I'm glad that Joe is already starting to change. I love him too much to have him be gone from my life forever.

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