Chapter 5 - Dreaming About Love

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Mia's POV
I wake up with someone's arms wrapped around my waist. I turn around and my eyes meet Joe's blue eyes. Joe has a big smile on his face.

"Good morning beautiful," he whispers as he leans forward and kisses me on the lips.

When we pull away, Joe tucks a loose strand of my hair behind my ear.

"I love you, Mia Burrow."

"I love you too, Joe."

I sit upright in bed and look around. Once again, I'm in my aunt's guest bedroom instead of Joe's super expensive orthopedic bed.

I fall back and let my head hit the pillow. I never realized how much I missed Joe. I fall back asleep, trying to push him out of my thoughts for now.

Joe's POV
I sit on the beach, the feeling of sand on my toes. I look to my right and Mia's laying next to me on a beach towel. She's wearing an orange bikini and she's laying on her stomach, sunning herself.

"I just love the beach. It's so beautiful out here," Mia says. I smile.

"Yeah. I've got an incredible view," I say as I stare dumbly at Mia. Mia looks at me and smirks.

"You're not too bad yourself," she mutters.

Mia gets up off her towel and sits closer to me. She kisses me on the lips and I hear a girl's audible disgust from in front of us.

"You guys are so gross. Get a room," Kara says, wrinkling her nose. I frown.

"Oh really? We're gross? I literally saw you kiss Justin on the lips last week. What's your argument for that?" I ask. Mia shakes her head

"You're mean, Joe." Mia says. I scoff.

"I'm mean? I don't know want you're talking about,"

I give Mia a devilish look and she sprints away, realizing what I'm thinking of doing. I grab Mia around her middle and toss her into the water. She shrieks as she splashes into the water.

"Joe Burrow! I still have my make up on," she whines. I get into the water with her and hold out my hand for her to take. Mia grabs it and pulls me under.

I stick my head out of the water and lick my lips. I taste salt water on my lips.

"Ugh. Salt water," I say, wrinkling my nose.

"How about I clean it off for you," Mia remarks before leaning forward and kissing me on the lips.

Mia and I flinch as Kara splashes us with water.

"I told you guys to stop doing that," she snaps. Mia frowns.

"Oh yeah? Come here,"

Mia grabs Kara and dunks her under. Kara pops up out of the water and I splash her in the face. Kara coughs and sputters and then splashes me in the face again.

We play in the water for a while, laughing and not having a care in the world.

I wake up and almost fall out of bed when I see Ja'Marr standing over me.

"Ja'Marr, why are you in my room? Better yet, why are you in my house?" I ask. Ja'Marr shrugs.

"You still have that spare key underneath a flower pot from when we used to be roommates, remember?" He explains. I sigh. I had forgotten about that key.

"Yes. I remember now. Why are you here?"

"I came to see you. Oh, and to tell you that you slept in and that coach is mad at you. You're gonna have to pay a fine when you get to practice," Ja'Marr replies. I sit on the edge of my bed and swear under my breath when I see what time it is.

"Warmups started a half an hour ago. And it's game day too. Coach Taylor's gonna have my head," I whisper. Ja'Marr nods.

"Yep. Now get ready quick. If we get there before you're one hour late, you might actually live past today." Ja'Marr says as he throws a pillow at my face.

I feel stupid for not setting an alarm, but I had a lot going through my head yesterday. Today, I should be pretty level headed. I didn't stay up too late last night so I was mostly catching up on the sleep I missed when I stayed up late watching Game of Thrones.

I change into a suit because I have to be dressed up for game days. I pack a casual outfit for later because I'll be sweaty and gross. I don't need my nice suits to smell.

It feels strange getting ready for a game by myself. Normally, Mia and Kara are in my bedroom, digging through my closet for the perfect pregame "fit" as Kara calls it.

I come downstairs with my football bag under my arm. Ja'Marr is standing in my entry way waiting for me.

"You should of left. Coach is gonna kill both of us," I say. Ja'Marr shakes his head.

"Nah. I'm in the clear. Coach sent me to come get you," he says. I shrug.

"Okay. I'm ready to go now so get out of my house," I say jokingly. Ja'Marr nods.

"Yes sir,"


When we get to the stadium, Coach Taylor isn't the only one who looks like he's ready to kill me. Mia looks pretty mad too.

"Why are you late?! You know that you get a fine for doing that, especially on a game day!" Mia snaps as she smacks me in the arm. My cheeks turn red and scratch the back of my neck nervously.

"I know. I fell asleep early last night and forgot to set an alarm. I slept in on accident," I say. Mia's angry expression turns to a smile and she starts laughing.

"I feel like I'm talking to Kara right now. Make sure you set an alarm next time," Mia remarks, waggling a finger in my face. I laugh.

"Okay. I will,"

"Good. Well, good luck today. I'll be on the sidelines watching the game with Kara," Mia says with a flirtatious smile as she walks away.

I stand there, my feet planted on the turf. I look dumbfounded, a little surprised by how Mia is acting. Maybe it'll take less than a week to get her back.

Mia's POV
I feel pretty accomplished. Joe looks pretty surprised when I gave him that look before walking away. He definitely wants me back and I'm hoping to be back in his arms soon. My left ring finger is starting to feels strange without a ring on it.

My aunt drops Kara off at the stadium a half an hour before the game starts. I meet Kara outside the stadium and then we go inside. Kara's wearing her Joe Burrow jersey which immediately catches Joe's eye as usual. He jogs over to us with a big smile on his face.

"Nice jersey like always, Kara." He says. I roll my eyes. I can't tell if he's being full of himself or if he's just being nice, but I'm bumping on the full of himself part.

"Thanks," my sister replies with a smile.

"I'll see you girls later," Joe says as he puts his helmet on and waves good bye to us.

"You know, besides getting a little full of himself because I'm wearing a jersey with his name on it, he seems to be transitioning back into his old self again." Kara explains. I nod.

"Yeah. He's making improvements and I'm glad he is. Come on, lets go watch the game."

Kara and I walk out to the field and join the team. I hope that we beat Kansas City. I wouldn't be able to stand it if Travis started rubbing it Joe's face that they won.

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