8.new member

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(PS.i am 100% not responsible if I make them fck❤-pedrilover1o1)
After you said that he came inside The bathroom and locked the door.you Light up your candles and put hot water in The tub.
-yess?he said
-turn around.you say smiling
-why?he frowns
-so I can undress.
-still.why?he smirks.
-ok fine!he turns around.he tries to look but you throw a towel on his face.youay in the tub.you put a lot of shampoo,making a lot of bubbles.you start playing with The bubbbles.
-your like a child.pedri says laughing.you look at him with A death glare.
-sorry ma'am.he says.after 1 hours you get up.edri had left already since he had practice.he had like a 2 hour practice since tommorow they had a match.you get dressed in a barça Jersey woth pedri number on it and some shorts.you get a uber to The stadium.you see some interviewers come to The car.
-y/n,y/n!we have a question!they say as the uber leaves.
-yeah,what is it?you sigh.
-are you and gavi toghether?you look at him weirdly.
-wrong person.you try to leave but they push you back.
-I asked something.your gonna respond nicely.he says.
-GUARDS!you yell out.you dont know?this is private property.you say,as you push him.the guards come.
-yes ms.gon-
-yes ms.y/n.what do you need?
-Take these interviewers away.
-yes ma'am.as they pull away the interviewers,you go inside.you hear clapping and run to The pitch to see a New member there.it was lewandoski.pedri comes over.
-y/n!help us.you can speak polish right?!
-yeah whats wrong?
-he is from poland.none of our translaters are here now!can you help us?
-yeah sure.you walk over to him.Cześć!(hi!)
-Cześć!he says back.mówisz po polsku?nikt nie mówi po polsku.(you speak polish?nobody here speaks polish)
-Tak, nauczyłem się tego na studiach(yeah,I learned it in college)
-to świetnie! mogę z kimś porozmawiać. zapytaj go, czy wie, gdzie jest łazienka(thats great!I can speak to someone.ask them if they know where the bathroom is)
-Wiem, gdzie to jest. Mogę cię zabrać. Czy to w porządku?(I know where it is.i can Take you there.is that okay?)
-tak! wielkie dzięki(yeah!thanks a lot)
-chodźmy(lets go)
-ok!you say while The others look at you.they were a bit amazed.polish is really hard.
-he needs to go to The bathroom.im taking him there okay?
-sure!pedri says,smiling

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