19.happy bday

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I wake up The day after.I am very tired.i get and look at what date it is."24.11.2022"HOLY FUCKING SHIT TOMMOROW IS PEDRIS BIRTHDAY!I get up and run to The kitchen to see gavi and katie panicking.'y/n you have to get him out of The house!'gavi says.'But i-'I try saying'NO FUCKING BUTS!'gavi yells.i look in our bedroom to see pedri woken up.i kick gavis leg and Point to pedri.i close The door of The kitchen and run to our bedroom.'hi p-pedri!'I stutter.shit.he knows.'mi amor~why are you up this early?'he groans pulling me into a hug.i couldnt feel his heartbeat.he kisses my forehead softly before putting me over his shoulder and throwing me on The bed.he sat between my thighs.'pedri?'I say.'hm?yes mi amor?'he responds.'can I put makeup on you?'I say smiling.'ugh~why are you so cute?fine.'he says,before I run and grab my makeup kit.i put it down and grab a brush.i picked The color "dark blue".I soflty Apply it to his eyes.his hands were making circles around my thighs.oh god.'pedri your distracting me.'I hand him The TV remote.he enters netflix and puts on star wars.hes a sucker for star wars.I keep applying The makeup on his eyes before grabing a lipstick thats almost his lip color but a bit darker.i softly apply it.i grab a mascara and but it on his lashes.i get up softly and grab some clothes.it was a Pink sparkly dress I had wore on New years.i guve it to him.he comes back looking like a literal Princess.i pull him and do his hair.his hair was short so there wasnt much to work with but i decided to braid it.i braided his hair and called gavi and katie.i throw him a purse before they come in.they both start laughing.you softly frown.you go to The balcony of your apartment and sit down on The bare floor.it was cold.very cold.you tried your best and you didnt find it that funny.pedri comes on The balcony.'mi amor..'he sighs and picks you up.he puts you down in your guys room.he goes to gavis and katies room.he starts talking with them.thats not why you were crying...

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