22.pool party

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I wake up,pedri snoring his ass off.i remembered I had planed a pool party,so everyone can get drunk and be welcomed to our New house.i go to The kitchen and make myself a smoothie.i make pancakes for katie,gavi,pedri and myself.gavi eats like 5.katie 2.pedri 6.and I eat 1 since I eat half of them while baking them.i grab sirup put it on The pancakes and slice up some bananas and strabwerrys and put it on top.

We ate and I looked at The Time.1pm.the party starts at 5pm.i go to The livingroom and yell everyones name.'today we are hoating a pool party.pedri,you have to decorate,gavi you have to get The pool ready,katie you clean around and I make The food'i say.'what if I wanna make food?'pedri asks as I burst out laughing.'no.'gavi says.i go to The kitchen and make the party things.

After I get done I look in The window to see gavi playing in The pool with pedri and katie.i go outside.pedri points at me.gavi and katie look at me.'everyone get dried and go to your tasks.'I say.as pedri literally jumps out of The pool.'YES MA'AM!'pedri yells drying off and entering The house.i look at gavi.he smiles.'I wanted you to decorate around here and The pool.'I say before throwing him some decorations.i go back inside and sit down.i make myself a Sandwich and eat it.i feel strong hands around my waist and a kiss on my cheek.'pedri?'I mumble.'yes?'he responds.'I dont like myself.'I say before he softly smacks me.'no!no!and again no!your beautiful.WHO THE ACTUAL FUCK SAID THAT YOUR UGLY?!'he yelled.'oh hell nauh dawg'i say before getting up and run around The house.pedri runs after me before I lock myself in my room and realize me and pedri have a secret.

Behind my closet is literally his room and he can just push my closet.but he wouldnt...right?..RIGHT?!my closet crashes.that Mother fucker.a smrking pedri comes inside my room and pushes me on my bed and starts kissing me.i groan as his hands go under my clothes,softly stroking my back.gavi bursts in through The way pedri walked insids my room.'THE TEAM IS HERE-'his jaw falls to The floor before raphina and lewy come in.'is this how love is now raphnina?'lewy asks.'yup.'raphnina says before pulling gavi and lewy outside before winking at us.he pulled up my closet.god.thank you for raphnina.me and pedri get up.he stratches his neck,before kissing me and unlocking my door and leaving.i go outside aswell and we go to The pool to see everyone partying.gavi was The dj.oh hell nawh!I run over and push gavi away before my romanian ass puts on some brazilian shit.raphnina look at me and get out The pool and hugs me.'THANK YOU!'he whispered,before running back in the pool.i go and get changed into my black one piece swimsuit and jump in The pool.we party until 3am.i remained sober so I could take everyone home.i come back at around 4am.i go inside my room to see pedri snoring on my bed hugging a pillow he put my clothes one.i Take The pillow,Take The clothes off and sit next to him.

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