The End

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His breathing quickened, and he lifted her up slightly. "Kiera? Hey, come on, Kiera!" There was no response. Ash felt tears falling down his cheeks. He shook her slightly. "Oh no..." He hugged her. "I'm so sorry Kiera..." He cried, holding her tight. A few minutes went by, and he pulled away from her, laying her down. He bowed his head over her, and a tear fell onto her. Suddenly, she stirred a bit, and her eyes fluttered open slowly. "Ash?" She asked, her voice raspy. Ash looked up in surprise. A feeling of relief washed over him. "Kiera!" He exclaimed, tears of sadness now turned to tears of joy. She started to smile. "We did it.." She said, eyes welling with tears. "Ash... I-I'm so sorry... about what I did..." Ash shushed her. "It's alright Kiera, you did what you had to do." She stammered, trying to explain herself. "I-I-I I betrayed you, I used you, I-" Ash cut her off, moving closer. Her eyes widened as he kissed her. She wrapped her arms around his shoulders, letting it happen. When Ash pulled away, he was grinning. "That shut you up fast, eh?" He joked, and they both laughed. Ash stood up and helped Kiera to her feet. He put his arm around her to help support her, and they started back to town. They got to the statue and sat on the bench. Kiera leaned onto Ash, her head on his shoulder. Ash yawned, it had been over 48 hours since he had any sleep. He started to doze off when he heard voices calling his name. "Ash! Ash!" He felt Kiera pick her head off his shoulder. He looked up, to see his parents running towards them, but they weren't alone. Another woman was with them. Ash jumped off the bench, ignoring all of the pain in his body. "Mom! Dad!" He ran towards them, and they embraced him in a hug. They all cried, finally all together again. He looked over and saw Kiera hugging the other woman. She must be her mother.


Kiera looked up at her mother, tears in her eyes. "We're free, Mom." Her voice broke. "Thomas is gone, it's over." Her mother gasped, a smile spreading across her face, as tears began to fall. She held Kiera tighter. "It's time we leave this place." She said. "Maybe we could go with Ash's family? Get a little place for us?" Kiera's smile widened. "That would be amazing!"


The next little while was a blur of police, detectives asking questions, and people coming and going. It was sunset when Ash and Kiera were able to get a moment alone together. They made their way up to an overlook of the canyon. Kiera looked down, up into his eyes. "What do we do now?" Ash took her hand gently. "I'm not sure." Sadness pulled at his heart. He would have to be leaving her soon. "Well," Kiera began, "My mom was talking about leaving here, we might be coming down to live by you guys." Ash turned to her, excitement on his face. "That's awesome!" They kissed, then sat down on a nearby rock. She leaned into him again, and he put his arm around her. "It's probably for the best, to leave Hidden Hollow in our past." He said. Kiera nodded her agreement. Ash looked over to another cliff and saw the blue glow. Ahtunowhiho was smiling at him. Ash gave a salute, and Ahtunowhiho put his fist over his heart and nodded. Ahtunowhiho looked up, and closed his eyes. Finally, he could rest.

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