A Way Out?

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When it got to the point where he couldn't see, he pulled out the lantern he had gotten from Jed's room. As he walked, he tried to wrap his head around what was happening. His family had broken down, they had spent the night, he met a hot girl, he fell in the mines, and he heard some native spirits... Ash gasped "Native spirits! I wonder if that's what this is about. Maybe they want this?" He looked at the crystal. "What could be so powerful about this?" Ash wondered to himself. "What kind of secrets does this thing hold? What exactly powers this crystal's control over man?" Suddenly, he had a dark thought. "What will stop me from being attracted to its power?" He looked up and saw an open area. He started to speedwalk. He made it in and looked around. There was a long table on one side of the room, and on the other, there was an elevator that looked like it went upwards. Ash's heart was full of hope. "Maybe this is my way out!" He looked back over to the table and decided to go have a look. He made his way over to the table and noticed a drawer. He slowly opened the drawer, scared of what he might find. When he fully opened it, a grin spread across his face. There was a Colt revolver with a box of bullets. "Now we're talkin'." He held it up, aiming it at nothing. "Let's see that wendigo come at me now!" Almost as if it had heard his taunting, the wendigo let out a roar from somewhere in the tunnels. Ash shuddered, and quickly put the colt into his jacket pocket. He hurried over to the elevator and got inside. He pushed the button, but nothing happened. He pushed it again, but sure enough, nothing happened. He cursed under his breath. "No power, eh? Of course! Of course, there's no freaking power! Why would it be easy? Why would I just be able to mosey on out of here, without any problems at all? Of course, I have to go find some freaking power box, and freaking turn it on, all while dodging a freaking Wendigo!!!" He leaned against the wall of the elevator for a moment. He felt tears beginning to well in his eyes. "I'm really going to die in here, aren't I." He didn't try to stop it, he felt the tears falling down his cheeks until he was in a full-blown breakdown. He made his way out of the elevator, still crying. He sat on the ground trying to gain his composure. He sat taking deep breaths for a moment and eventually got up. "I gotta keep going, no matter what happens." He picked up his lantern and looked at the elevator. There was a wire coming out from the box connected to the outside of the cage. He followed the wire to another break-off from the main area. "Of course." He said in his head. He began walking down the path to what hopefully was the power box. This tunnel looked a little different than the others. This one looked hastily carved out, like whoever made it had left in a hurry. There were jagged edges of rock sticking from certain places in the wall. This tunnel definitely wasn't like the rest. The question was what he would find at the end. He kept checking behind him on the way there, making sure the Wendigo wasn't there. Eventually, he made it to the power box. He prayed that it would turn on. He flipped the switch upward, and it gave him a tiny shock. He stepped back in surprise. The power whirred to life. Ash laughed, happy the power was on. "Yes!!!" He jumped in celebration. His celebration didn't last long though. An eerie purple Mist came from the power box, and Ash heard the voices again

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