Survivor Series

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I put Tyler in his crib for his nap and came out to the kitchen to help Mary finish up for the big pay per view party that Josh wanted to throw. I never really saw Josh get so into wrestling until today so I thought it was weird. Tina and CJ were coming over to watch too. They arrived early and so Tina helped us finish up the food

"Josh I don't mean to sound rude or anything, but isn't the pay per view you should be throwing a big viewing party for be like that Wrestlemania or whatever?"

"Uhhh yeah usually, but this one has some great matches that we all want to see."

I shrugged and went back to setting out the food. I wasn't going to argue it. I still had no clue what was going on and I had even less of a clue now that I wasn't around Jon every day. Mary sent Tina and I to the grocery store for more beer since she forgot to pick some up yesterday. We drove to the local grocery store and took our time. We picked up a couple twelve packs and started back to the house. Tina's phone went off and she answered

"Yep, we're watching. We stopped at the store for more beer. Who am I with?  Uhhh..No one"

"Who is it Tina?"

She put her finger to her lips and gave me the "shut the fuck up" look. I gave her a weird look back and continued to drive

"Yeah that was Ashley."

I knew who she was talking to at that point. I gave her a dirty look as I pulled into the driveway. I got out of the car and grabbed one of the twelve packs and headed inside. I dropped it off on the counter and went straight to my room. I sat on my bed and stared at the crib. I hate when she tells him she's with me. It gives away that I'm here and I don't want him to come looking for me. There was a light knock on the door and it slowly opened

"Can we talk for a minute Ashley?"

We went into the backyard and sat down. I lit up a cigarette and took a drag. I started smoking again not long after Tyler was born. I was so stressed out all of the time that I just bought a pack and went for it. 

"He doesn't know where you live Ashley. He just knows we hang out from time to time. We haven't told him anything. You both are our friends so we're trying to respect both of your wishes."

I nodded and smiled. 

"Can I tell you something Ashley?"


"You belong with him. You shouldn't have left. You should've worked it out and tried harder instead of taking the easy way out. Every relationship has rough patches, but if you truly love someone you'll take the time to try and work it out.  You're not only hurting yourself, but you're hurting Jon and  you're hurting Tyler."

"Yeah, well if you truly love someone you'll set them free. He told me he wished I'd never moved with him and that I'd stayed in Ohio so he could be free. I gave him what he asked for. He's free to do whatever he wants, with who ever he wants, whenever he wants. I'm not there tying him down with a baby or anything else."

"You know he didn't mean that."

"Whose side are you on?"

"I'm on MY side. I know both sides of the story and I'm making my own judgement based on the two versions. You both need to grow up and stop hurting each other and just be together. It's what you both want, but you two are like peas in a pod. Always allowing the other just close enough to be temporarily happy and then finding a way to sabotage it. You both do it. You're a little more subtle than he is, but you both sabotage your relationship. Grow up Ashley. Seriously grow up. You're 26 years old. It's time to stop acting like a 15 year old and start acting like an adult capable of a mature relationship."

She got up and went inside. I knew she was right. I finished my cigarette and went back in the house. The pay per view was on. I grabbed a beer and stood in the back near the kitchen. I went and checked on Tyler and came back out. The four of them were having a good time. I wish I could have a good time, but watching this made me miss Jon. They got really excited about this John Cena, CM Punk, Ryback match that was about to start. I rolled my eyes. The only one with any talent of those three was CM Punk the other two sucked from what I remember of watching with Jon. The match went back and forth for a while and I was getting kind of bored when suddenly that lame Ryback guy was getting attacked "OH it's about time. Now it's getting good"  The four of them were overly excited about it and I didn't know why until I recognized Colby. I stood up and moved directly behind the couch. Then the commentator said "That's Dean Ambrose..." and my mouth dropped. He had finally made it where he always wanted to be and I was happy for him. Josh turned around and looked at me

"You alright?"

"Yeah. Good for them. Good for Jon. It's what he's always wanted. He worked really hard to be in the WWE so...good for him."

"Good for him?"

"Yeah Good for him...what do you want me to say? I'm happy for him. I didn't say anything bad. I was polite about it. I acknowledged that it's what he always wanted and that he worked hard. Did you want me to jump up and down and molest your TV? Like I don't know what reaction you're looking for."

I walked away and started cleaning up a bit. I heard Tyler crying so I left and went into my room to check on him. I couldn't stop thinking about Jon. That was literally the first time I'd seen him since the day I left over a year ago.  Well, that's not entirely true...I see his little clone every day. I gave the baby a bottle and put him on the floor to play with him

"Well, buddy your daddy got exactly what he wanted. Aren't you happy for him?"  He smiled "Mommy misses him so much. Every day. Maybe one day we can all be a family together, but don't go getting your hopes up with that one." 

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