𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 8

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These newcomers are making me feel very weird towards my feelings, how am I supposed to approach him after this?

No one's POV–

It has been a week since the little group visited the volcano. Y/N couldn't seem to piece everything together. Everyday, her friends would come up to her and give her beautiful gifts or compliments. Or even do the same as Neteyam in the volcano.

Y/N couldn't put her mind at ease, she knew about her new feelings towards them, but she couldn't have multiple mates. That was imposible.


I was sitting alone at the Spirit tree, many spiritual guides sat near me. I was gently making a flower crown with every new flower that Fei'te would bring to me.

"Oh Fei'te, what am I meant to do? It seems easier to just leave them, but that would break my heart" I said softly, speaking to my dear gryphon that sat next to me.

"I would love to have all of them, it would be a dream come true. But, at the same time, I'm meant to be Tsahik one day, after my brother gives away his Olo'eyktan position, it will be my turn.. and I can't have more than one mate" I said in a saddened manner, I can't be selfish. Even if I love this paradise, I must wake up.

"What are you doing here so late?" I heard a voice behind me. I turned my head to see Diwali holding his spear. I guess he was doing a quick night patrol before going home.

"I'm just.. thinking" I said, turning my gaze away from him.

"I know you, Y/N. What's bothering you?" He asked, sitting next to me.

I gulped nervously, should I tell him?

"It's just.. the newcomers..I've developed feelings towards them, and I do not kno-" I was talking, but got cut off by Diwali's sudden aggressive manner.

"You must be joking! I do not believe it!" He said, getting up from his place and pacing around.

"What is your problem? You asked me what's wrong and I'm telling you!" I said, getting up too and walking towards him to stop him.

"They're dangerous, Y/N! I don't trust them one bit! You remember what they did to you?! You almost died!" He said while grabbing my wrist.

"That was an accident and you know it!" I said to defend them, it was the truth. "Still, you're too important!" He replied, yelling.

"And what does that have to do with anything?! I like them! I love them!" I said, trying to pull away from his grasp.

"You're supposed to love me!" He yelled once again, I freezed. And so did he.


"What did you say..?" I questioned, my voice almost as a whisper. I could not believe his words, he was like a brother to me. He was a brother to me.

"... You and I were promised to each other before my parents passed away. The arrangement was off once your parents took me in. And I did a silence vote to not tell you about this.." he said almost as a whisper too.

My heart dropped, I was meant to mate with Diwali once I turned of age? Is that why he's still holding a grudge towards my friends? Because he was... jealous?

" I do not believe you.." I said, backing away once he let go of my wrist.

"Ask your brother for all I care, he knows all about it" He said before grabbing his spear and walking away.

Atohi knew about this?

My knees went weak, I was now on the ground.

I always thought my brother was my soulmate, we had the type of connection that some people take a lifetime to find.

Of course, I couldn't hate him.

But oh, how I wish he would've told me about this in the past.

I felt Fei'te nudge her head in my arm. And I decided what to do.

I got on Fei'te's back and she flew back to the village. She left me outside of my hut before taking off to rest.

I wasn't going to tell Atohi about this, I wouldn't let it ruin my perfect relationship with him.

I sat on a rock next to my hut and looked up, all I saw was leaves and pieces of the night sky.

I do not know how much time I've been sitting here, time stopped whenever my mind wandered away.

I felt a hand on my shoulder, I looked back and saw Tsireya's concerned look.

"Are you alright, dear?" She asked softly, sitting next to me.

I took a deep breath and grabbed her hands gently. "There's something you should know.." I said softly, looking into her ocean eyes.

She didn't answer, she waited for me to continue.

"I have come to the realization that.. I have developed a type of relationship with you and the rest that makes my heart race at the thought of you" I said almost as a whisper, closing my eyes out of nervousness.

I heard a light gigles, I opened my eyes and saw Tsireya with a sweet smile.

"You're so well spoken, it's really pretty" she said with a smile, I felt my cheeks burning.

"But, do these feelings make you feel troubled?" she asked, squeezing my hand.

"I..am not sure..it feels like a dream. Being here, feeling all of this. By one side there's you all, but in the other side there's my clan and my duty to fulfill.."

My head wasn't in the best place, I could not think clearly, my words seemed out of place.

" You have time to make up your mind, we will be waiting" I felt Tsireya leave a heart warming kiss in my cheek before walking off.

What the hell are you doing, Y/N?

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