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"And these... These are white tulips. Tulips aren't very flashy plants. They're not too big or small, not too elaborate or flamboyant. If I could put it in another way... I guess I would say that... They're comfortable, simple, modest, and perfect. Just like Sunny."

Basil crouched down infront of a set of white tulips in the garden area beside his modest little home, his gardening pail in hand as he watered his flowers, old memories of times where he would show all these beautiful flowers to his friends beginning to be unearthed as he cared for them as usual, the weight of what was happening today helping to unearth these memories. His watering can poured water onto the dehydrated plants as Basil hummed to himself, admiring their growth.

It hadn't rained in awhile, and for the past couple of days it had been very cloudly, foggy, a sure sign for heavy rainfall, which Basil could tell easily, years as a gardener and generally outdoorsy boy taught him well, but even though it was so cloudly, the rain never came. Basil sighed, looking up at the dark clouds for a moment, before focusing back onto the plants, making sure each and every one of them got enough water before he stood up, stretching out his back a bit as he placed hie watering can down, which was practically empty.

He walked out from the little garden area he had on the right side of his house and entered into his home through the front door, deciding to take a quick break from gardening to get a drink. He pulled his boots off and set them beside the front door, then did the same with his garden gloves, placing them down with his boots before he proceeded to the kitchen.

Basil opened the refrigerator and pokes his head around insude for a moment, his eyes darting from iten to item as he quickly searched for something drinksble, and when he did, he pulled it out from the fridge, a carton of orange juice.

He placed the carton on the kitchen counter before opening one of the cupboards and retrieving a glass, placing it next to the carton before srewing off the cap and pouring himself a glass of juice, then placing the carton back into the fridge.
The boy grabbed the full cup of the cold orange juice and took a sip, sighing as he did so before leaning against the kitchen counter, slowly sipping the freshly poured juice.

Basil drank the fresh juice quickly, hydrating himself before placing the empty glass into the sink. Alongside a few other dirty dishes, he didn't have the particular energy to clean right now. He sat, leaned against the counter for a moment, staring into space as he thought about when Sunny would be coming, He didn't give a time or anything, he just said he'd be in Faraway today. Basil hoped Sunny would arrive soon. He was feeling especially lonely today. Polly was out of state for a while, and he was left alone in his silent, silent house. Ever since his grandma passed and Sunny left, it had been terribly lonely, even with Polly still around.

The flower boy sighed, then turned to the fridge, slowly opening it and leaning down to check for a few things inside. He looked inside and made sure the cake he had ordered from the othermart bakery was still there. It was a cute little vanilla cake with 'Happy birthday, Sunny!' Written atop win light blue icing. Basil also had a candle reading '18' set aside for when he brought out the cake for sunny, but that might not be for awhile, is was approaching 2pm and there was no sign of Sunny, he was hoping the boy would show soon.

Basil sighed, making sure the dinner he prepared was in there and all that before shutting the refrigerator, staring at the bleach white fridge door before turning around, deciding to get back to work.

Basil made his way to his front door, where he slipped his boots and gloves back on and opened his door, stepping back outside and shutting the front door behind him before he went back to his garden, his thirst quenched. He crouched back down as he quickly got to work, beginning to trim and care for a dying White tulip, sighing as he took his shears and inched forward to touch up the delicate, perfect plant.

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