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9:30AM. It was now friday, July 18. 2 days before the birthday.

Sunny was awake already, but he wasn't out of bed, he didn't fall asleep after talking to basil through the chatroom, instead, he laid in bed pathetically, trying desperately to fall asleep as he tossed and turned, but it was no use, before he knew it, it was sunrise, and any moment now his alar-


His alarm went off. Taunting Sunny before he quickly shut it off, it was officially a new day and Sunny had to get up.

Sunny begrudgingly did so, throwing the blankets off of himself as he slowly sat up in bed, rubbing the bags under his eyes as he slowly brought his legs off his mattress. The boy slowly stood up, stretching his arms out before grabbing the cup of water from his bedside table, fishing his eye out of the water and slowly putting it into his socket, blinking a few times before placing the cup back down. Sunny threw on a pair of pants quickly before the boy approached his door and opened it up, walking into the corridor before spotting his mom in the kitchen, just having woken up herself by the tired look on her face as she poured a cup of coffee for herself.

"Hey, mom." Sunny said as he walked out of the corridor and into the kitchen, startling his mother a tiny bit before she turned around to greet him "Goodmorning, sunny, you startled me!" Sunny's mom said with a slight chuckle before taking a sip of her scalding hot coffee, "how'd you sleep, hun?" She asked, oblivious to the fact that Sunny barely slept. "Fine." Sunny replied simply, dragging himself over to the cabinet and opening it, spotting a box of a cereal st the back of the cabinet and grabbing it before setting it down on the counter and opening up the fridge. "Are you sure, Sunny? You seem a bit tired, hun... and you have bags under your eyes." Sunny's mom stated as her son made a bowl of cereal and poured himself a cup of coffee.

"Yes, I'm sure." Sunny stated bluntly, being a man of few words. He grabbed his mug and bowl of cereal and sat at the small kitchen table, slowly eating the small bowl of cereal he quickly prepared, not eating much like usual. "You're still driving me to Faraway, right?" Sunny asked, as if the topic of heading to faraway was the only topic on his mind, which it was, it's really all Sunny could think about as he ate his small breakfast. "Yes, sunny. We'll go as soon as im ready... be patient! Have you got your bags packed?" His mom asked, staring at sunny before ge hesitantly nodded, not having actually packed anything, lying to his mom to avoid a scolding or something.

After a bit, Sunny finished the bowl of cereal and cup of coffee and got up, placing the dishes in the sink before turning around and walking back towards his room, "remember to brush your teeth, Sunny!" Sunny's mom said, raising her voice as Sunny sighed and walked into the bathroom situated on the wall opposite of his bedroom, locking the door behind him before he walked up to the sink, grabbing his toothbrush and the toothpaste and soaking it before squeezing a pea sized glob of toothpaste onto the brush. Sunny Hadn't brushed his teeth for a few days, he'd been waking up well into the afternoon and he was starting to fall into a routine not too different from the one he had before moving out of faraway, not taking proper care of himself, probably because of the loneliness of the city. He didn't have any good friends, and he didn't go out very much, prefering to stay home and post on image boards, his favorite being 4chan, a newly launched image board where he'd talk to others about his interests and experiences.

After brushing his teeth Sunny walked out of the Bathroom and straight into his room, he felt too lazy to shower, so he figured he would just do so at Basil's place later. Sunny closed him bedroom door behind him before yawning and opening up his closet, picking out an outfit for the day. Sunny chose a few articles of clothing and changed into them quickly, throwing the dirty clothes into the laundry basket in the corner of his room before slipping into the change of clothes, a black "The Smiths" band Tee-shirt, black sweatpants, black socks, and a black hoodie, the same outfit he wore everyday, aside from a different shirt, he didnt like wearing anything with too much color, he didnt enjoy standing out much, and the bland color of black just suited him better.

After getting dressed, Sunny grabbed an empty black suitcase from out of his closet, he hadn't packed yet, so he figured he'd do it now, grabbing random shirts and pairs of pants, along with pairs of boxers and socks before shoving them all into a crampt suitcase, he also grabbed a few cds for his discman, a few nirvana and deftones albums along with 1 or 2 others. He packed up all the things he needed before zipping his suitcase shut, propping it up against the wall and sitting at his small desk, Sunny believed that his mom would take an hour or 2 to get ready, so he decided to do something on his computer to pass the time.

Sunny booted up his pc like the night before, and logged into his profile once it booted up. Sunny stared at his homescreen for a second, trying to think of something to do before clicking on the blackjack icon in the corner of the screen, the only game that was installed on the pc at the time that Sunny was thought he good at. The computer took a moment to load the game before an ocean scene took over the monitor's screen, a large title reading "BLACKJACK" in bold white lettering overtop the ocean background. Sunny selected the option of "New game" and began to play, betting 100 ingame dollars as he started.

By the time his mom was done getting ready, Sunny had lost all of his money in blackjack 4 times, having to restart a bunch, he wasn't very good at cardgames. After the fourth loss, Sunny stopped playing out of anger, forcefully closing the game and then booting off the pc by the power button, sitting there infront of his pc as it powered off, seething with anger as if he had actually lost money via gambling. After the pc shut off, Sunny stared at the the blank monitor for a few seconds, before a knock at his door was heard and his mom suddenly barged in, having finished getting ready for the long drive to faraway to drop off Sunny. She wasn't going to be staying at faraway, she was just dropping Sunny off at Basil's for however long Sunny planned to stay, which worried her abit, her Son hadn't had any meaningful contact with anyone from Faraway except the boy who stabbed his eye out, which her son way now planning a sleepover with, that would worry any mother atleast a little bit.

"Sunny, are yout ready to go?" His mom asked, causing Sunny's head to jolt in the direction where shee was, finally looking away from the monitor. "Yeah. Are we going now?" Sunny slowly stood up frol his battered office chair, picking up the suitcase from the floor as he looked at his mom. "Yes, Sunny. Do you have everything packed? Changes of clothes and such?" Sunny nodded in response to the questions, making his mom give him a warm smile before she turned around and walked the short distance from the hallway to the front door of the apartment, Sunny doing the same after her. Sunny's mom and him slipped on their shoes before Sunny took his black hoodie off of the coat rack next to the front door and slid it on, where it just so happened to have his discman.

"You're wearing your hoodie? Today? It's the middle of summer, Sunny." Sunny's mom said in a concerned tone, the only reply elicited from Sunny being a half-hearted shrug as he opened the front door and stepped out with his suitcase in hand.

After a short walk down the hall, an elevator ride, and a walk through the Apartment buildings parking lot, Sunny and his mom arried at her van, where Sunnys mom hopped into the drivers seat and Sunny sat down in the passengers seat after throwing his suitcase into the backseat of the car. His mom took her keys out from her pocket and slid one of them into the ignition, turning the key and starting the car as Sunny reached into the pocket of his jacket and pulled out his diskman, having left it in his hoodle from the last time he went out, almost 3 weeks ago.

"...Sunny... are you really sure you want to go to Basil's place? You don't have to... i know you don't have many friends here but are you sure going back to far-"
Sunny cut her off.

"Yes, mom. I'm sure. Stop worrying."

Sunny said quickly, not wanting to hear any more of his mom's before getting to faraway. Sunny had been looking forward to this for awhile and he wasn't gonna let his mother ruin it for him, even if that meant being a bit demanding. Sunny's mom sighed before starting the car, backing out of the apartment parking lot as sunny pulled his discman out of his pocket, taking the headphones and placing them over his ears vefore pressing play, drowning out his mothers voice if she were to talk.

The protable CD player just so happened to have a Deftones CD in it, the album being "white pony" which was the album he preferred. As Sunny's mom pulled out of the parking lot and onto the road, the CD began to play, and Sunny shut his eyes slowly while leaning back in his chair, hoping to fall asleep so he could reach Faraway faster, but either way he settled in for a long ride.

That probably wasn't a very good idea.Where stories live. Discover now