Chapter 12: Mall Time

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Micky's POV

I woke up and I was in my bed. I rolled over to look at the time. 7 30. I got up and got dressed. I headed down stairs to see all the boys sleeping. Well not Niall.

"Morning little Cuz." Niall said. I smiled at him.

"Morning!" I said sitting down next to him. He was stuffing his face with a sandwich.

"The boys probably won't wake up till 1. Do you want to go to the mall or something?" Niall asked. I nodded.

"Ok but first I have to eat something... I am so hungry!" Niall complained.

"Niall you just ate a sandwich!!" I laughed.

"So!!" Niall said. I started cracking up.

"SHHH YOU'LL WAKE THE BOYS!!" Niall whisper yelled. I couldn't stop laughing. Niall threw me over his shoulder and ran into the kitchen, putting me down on the table.

"Ok you want eggs and bacon?" Niall asked. I stopped laughing a nodded.


Right now we were walking around the mall. No one noticed us yet. We turned into the food court. Niall order pizza and I ordered cheese fries. I know I'm fat. After we finished eating a little girl ran up to me.

"Hi, are you Emma from jessie?" She asked. I picked her up and smiled at her.

"Yes I am!" I said. She started giggling. She turned and looked at Niall.

"Niall?" She asked. He smiled and nodded.

"This is the best day ever!!" She squealed. Her mom walked over.

"Mom take a picture!!" She squealed. Her mom took out her phone and took a picture of just me and the little girl. Then Niall held her and they took a picture together. Then it was all of us. After that she walked away with her mom.

"She was so sweet." I said. Niall laughed and agreed. I took out my phone. I had a text from Austin ;)

From: Austin <33

Hey babe wats up

To: Austin <33

At da mall :)

I kept my phone out so I could text him back. I looked over at Niall. He was smiling down at me.

"OMG Austin!!" He said in a girl voice. I blushed looking down. My phone vibrated.

From: Austin <33

Meet me at the food court ;)

To: Austin <33

I'm with Niall

"It's ok you can go. Ill walk around for a little. Just don't be to long. And keep in touch with me." Niall said. I smiled up at him.

"Thank you Niall!!!" I said hugging. I ran to the food court to see Austin sitting at a table. I smiled and sat down across from him.

"Hey." I said smiling at him.

"Hey babe." He smiled back. We both leaned over the table to kiss.

"Ready to walk around?" Austin asked getting up and holding his hand out for me. I nodded getting up taking his hand.

"So do you think your cousin likes me?" He asked. I smiled up at him.

"Yes he does." I said. We stopped walking.

"Good cause its important that he think I'm good for you." He said tucking hair behind my ear. I smiled up at him and he smiled back. He leaned down and gave me a peck on the lips.


"Ok Austin, Niall's ready to go. I have to meet him at the food court." I said. He nodded.

"Ok ill walk you there." Austin said. Once we got to the entrance we kissed good bye and I walked up to Niall.

"Ready to go?" He asked. I nodded and we left.


Authors note

Hey guys!! I know I didn't update like I said I would... Ok well I decided not to stop writing just it's gonna take longer updates.

The chapter sucked i know.

But let me no wat you think I guess


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