Chapter 8: Mean Much?

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Micky's POV

 "Micky!! Up to your room NOW!!!" Liam screamed at me. I frowned and ran up stairs. Once I got up there, I started cracking up. Why I thought this was funny? I have no idea!!! 

When I walk on by, girl's be lookin' like: Damn he fly

I pimp to be beat

Walkin down the street in my new lafreak


This is how I roll

Animal print pants, out of control

I stopped laughing and grabbed my phone. 

"Hello" I said answering the call.

"Micky where are you? We are recording today and your 20 minutes late!!" The director Paul said.

"Oh my god!!! I am so sorry!!! I forgot!!" I said jumping up. 

"I'll be there in 15 minutes!" I said hanging up. I ran down stairs where Liam had Louis crying in the corner of the room. I didn't question it though.

"Liam, you need to drive me to the set of Jessie.... They are recording and i'm already really late!!" I exclaimed. Louis stopped crying and jumped up.

"ROAD TRIP!!" He yelled. I laughed and Liam grabbed the car keys. We got in the car and starting driving. Lets just hope Paul's not that mad!

~~~~After Recording~~~

"Ok! That's a rap for today! Tea, Coffee, and food over there!!" Paul screamed and pointed over to the food table. I walked over to him and smiled.

"Listen Paul... I'm really sorry i was late today..." I said. He smiled.

"It's fine Micky just don't let it happen again..." He explained. 

"Now did you here what happened to New Jersey?!?!" Paul exclaimed.

"Yes I did!! It's really bad I heard!" I exclaimed.

"Did you want to go out there to help out?" Paul asked. I thought for a seconded then nodded.

"Ok because I was told to pick some of my favorite Actresses and head on out.." Paul explained. I blushed when he called me one of his favorite Actresses.

"I would love to go!! But there's one problem.... I have One Direction to babysit me till my mom gets back.." I said. Paul laughed.

"I guess we will just have to take the famous boy band with us then!!" Paul said. I laughed.

"Alright Paul... I have to go... But text me when we are leaving so I can pack." I said. Paul nodded and I walked over to Liam and Louis. That reminds me.... I haven't seen the others in a while.

"I'm guessing we are going to New Jersey?" Liam questioned as we go in the car. I nodded.

"Come on Liam, they are in need!! And plus I have friends that live over there!!" I said. Liam sighed.

"I have no problem going but you should have asked us first..." Liam explained.

"Yeah yeah yeah yeah... I get it... Blah blah blah blah!!" I said.

"Wow!! Someones kinda rude today!!" Louis said. My mouth dropped open.

"Might want to close your mouth love!! You don't want to catch flys now do you!!" Louis said. We pulled up to the house and I ran in and up to my room.

~~~~Later that night~~~~~~

Harry's POV

"Niall aren't you related to Micky from 'Jessie'?" Liam read out loud. We were doing a twitcam. We all looked at Niall.

"Yes I am!! I love my little Cousin!!" Niall said.

"We are babysitting her for a little while her mom's away.." Zayn said. We all nodded.

"I'm gonna go get her!" I said running up the stairs. I think they moved to laptop so it was on the stairs. I ran up to her room and kicked the door open. She jumped.

"HARRY!!!! YOU SCARED THE SHIT OUT OF ME!!!" She yelled at me. I walked over and picked her up and putting her over me shoulder.

"PUT ME DOWN RIGHT NOW!!!" She screamed pounding on my back. I ran down the stairs with her  and jumped into the living room. All the boys started laughing.

"Harry shes a rough one!!" Zayn joked. I gave him a death glare and put her down next to Niall.

"Were doing a twitcam!!" Niall exclaimed. I counted all the heads. Zayn, Liam, Niall, Me, and Micky... Wait were's Louis.

"Guys weres Louis?" I asked, They all shrugged, We dropped the subject and turned back to the Laptop.

"So we are all going to New Jersey cause we heard what happened with Hurricane Sandy and w-"

"BOO!!!!" Louis screamed jumping out from behind the couch.

"AHHHH!!!" We all screamed. I looked over and Liam was in Zayns lap, Niall was hiding behind Micky, and me... well I was hugging my knees to my chest...

"Oh my god you should have seen your faces!!" Louis said laughing.

"I hope your happy cause I JUST PISSED MY PANTS!!" Micky screamed at him. We all started laughing. Once we were done we turned back to the Laptop.

"Sorry about that Lou-" Liam was interrupted by Louis coughing. He stopped and Zayn went to talk. Again Lou coughed loudly. We all looked at him then turned back to the camera. 

"We are reall-" I tried talking but he coughed again.

"CAN YOU DIE MORE QUIETLY!!!" Micky screamed. We all started cracking up.

"Ok well i'm tired.... Night night!!" Micky said getting up. Niall got up next. 

"I agree on that one!!" Niall said.

"Alright well bye fans!! We are going to bed!!! LOVE YOU ALL!!!" I said before turning off Twitcam. We all headed to bed.


Author's Note

Well hello Loves!!! Just Kidding.... I'm not British..... So i ended up posting this chapter because I was bored so I wrote it.... It's not the best.... but oh well...

Follow my sisters account!!! She has a story up called 'Laughs of Love'


ALSO follow MY best friend!!!! 


ALSO ALSO follow my account with Tommoakerly


ok that is all.... Let me know what you think of the chapter.... Talk to you next update :*

~Izzy <3

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