Chapter 7: Busted!

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Micky's POV

I woke up the next morning really confused. I was wearing Harry's sweatshirt still. I looked at the time... 6 am. Ugggggg why does it have to be so early? I got up and looked around my room. It wasn't clean but it wasn't like I couldn't walk. I got up and made my way down stairs to the kitchen. Harry was cooking. While Niall was stealing food when Harry wasn't looking.  

"Morning Boys..." I said getting OJ out.

  "Morning!" Niall said sitting down at the table. Harry didn't say anything to me. Whatever...

  "Micky, Carter before she left told me to tell you 'Flying Fishh In A Tree'" Niall explained.

  "CRAP!!!! What's today's?" I asked standing up in a hurry.  

"Sunday... Why?" Harry asked. I didn't answer him. I just ran up to my room to get ready. See here's the thing... It's football Sunday and every Sunday a group of my friends get together to watch the Giants game. This week it's my house. I can't cancel either. Everyone is a Giants fan.... Well not Carter. She's Stealer's. I quickly got dressed and ran out to the back yard. I called up Carter.  

"Hello?" Carter asked answering the phone.

  "Flying Monkey With A Bra On..." I said...... Code names... They all mean something different.  

"Fine.... I'll call the group and ask..." Carter said hanging up. That code meant can we watch in the basement. It's stupid but i think it's funny. Carter called back and said they said it was ok. I got dip and chips, soda, water, and whatever I would need for the game. I put on a Giants Jersey and headed down to the basement. Soon enough everyone was in my basement.

  How did the boys not know? I have no idea.


    There's now 5 minutes left in the game. I heard someone coming down the stairs. I turned my head and came face to face with Louis.

  "Your having another party and again you didn't invite ME?!?!" Louis screamed.  

"SHHHH!" We all hushed him. His mouth dropped opened.

  "How dare you all shush me!!!" Louis screamed again. Everyone looked at me and I nodded. I got up and walked towards Louis.

  "It's not a party... We are watching the Giants game.." I said calmly.

  "Can I watch to?" Louis asked with hope. I nodded.

  "As long as your quiet." I said sitting down. The giants are winning 23 to 3. My grandpa was a Giants fan. I think that's why I'm a Giants fan.

  "And there's 5 seconds left on the clock... Can the Giants score again or will they win with 23 points?" The announcer guy said. The clock ran out of time and the Giants won. Louis looked so confused.


  "Ok Dylan, I'll text you!" I said hugging my best guy friend good bye. He was the last one to leave my house. He left and I was left with One Direction. They all looked at me.  

"You threw a party without asking us?" Zayn asked. I shook my head.  

"No, it wasn't a party.." I said again today.  

"You still didn't ask us if people can come over though.." Niall said.  

"Louis knew about it!" I said pointing at him. All the boys looked at him and he looked at me. I stuck my tongue out at him.

  "Really Louis? You knew and didn't tell us?" Harry asked hurt.

  "Well- no- I mean- Yes I knew and didn't tell you guy.." Louis said ashamed. I tried to hold in my laugh but some of it came out.  

"Your in trouble to young lady!" Niall exclaimed. Louis was standing next to me now.  

"But-" I was cut off by Liam.

  "No Buts young Lady!! You and Louis are going in time out and then going straight to bed after that..." Liam explained.  

"Hahaha.... You said Butts!!!" Louis laughed. I laughed too. Liam picked me up and put me in a chair in the corner of the kitchen. Louis was on the other side. We kept making faces at each other when Liam wasn't looking. But then he caught us and he wasn't to happy... ___________________________________________________________________

Author's Note

Short chapter I know... But I updated... for my one reader.... thats my friend...... I have friends?

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