Chapter Ten

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"Priscilla?" Robin softly called out as she slowly opened the door to Priscilla's room. Robin never called Priscilla by her full first name, but she was growing increasingly worried about her friend. Since they took that walk to her old house yesterday and saw what remained, Priscilla had been hiding out in her room, refusing to talk to anyone. She was deeply upset by what she saw, and it was understandable. Her home, the place where she had memories both good and bad, the place where she grew up and spent her childhood, the place where all her milestones of life occurred was now gone.

Robin peeked into the room and saw Priscilla lying on the bed with her back facing her. She was curled up into a ball in the middle of the bed. Robin sighed. She hated seeing Priscilla so upset like this. She wanted to help make her feel better.

"'Scilla, talk to me? Please?" Robin pleaded, approaching the edge of the bed. Priscilla didn't budge. Robin crawled up onto the bed next to Priscilla and leaned over her to look at her face. Her eyes were red and swollen from crying. "Do you want to go do something? It may help take your mind off this. I thought maybe we could go to Starcourt. Retail therapy makes everything better, right?"

Priscilla started to slowly roll over onto her back and looked up at Robin. "I'm sorry," She began, "I know this is all so ridiculous. Me, crying over a stupid piece of property."

Robin shook her head. "It's not a stupid piece of property. That was your home. You have every right to be upset. But..." Robin trailed off for a moment as she thought of what to say next. "Just because the physical building is gone doesn't mean all those memories are wiped out with it. And your new home is here with me, and mom, and Steve, and... and Eddie... as much as I know you don't want him included in this, he is here more than me sometimes." Robin chuckled.

Priscilla cracked a smile at Robin's joke. It was the first time Robin had seen Priscilla smile since the incident yesterday. Priscilla rubbed her eyes before she finally decided to sit up. She looked at Robin. "Alright," She said, "Let's go shopping."

Robin's mouth grew into a smile as she and Priscilla jumped off the bed and ran downstairs to get their belongings. After they got into Priscilla's car and she started it up, Robin gave her a side eye glance. "What did I tell you about your car?" She scolded. "Ask Eddie to look at it already."

Priscilla began pulling out of the driveway and had her eyes locked on the road ahead of her when she spoke. "I don't know if that's such a good idea anymore." She didn't want to look Robin in the face because she knew that Robin would be able to read her thoughts through her eyes. It was this weird skill that Robin seemed to have with Priscilla but they both chalked it up to the fact that Priscilla and Robin had known each other for so long, and could read each other inside and out.

"'Scilla..." Robin continued to scold. "Jesse here isn't going to last the rest of the summer if you don't have her looked at. And Eddie is the most logical option. He's literally a mechanic and he has the hots for you. I guarantee he'll do it for cheap."

"Yeah, or make me go on a date with him." Priscilla joked, "I feel like that's something he would do." Priscilla worked up her best Eddie impression. "'Yeah, I'll look at it for you, sweetheart; if you go on a date with me.'"

Robin laughed at Priscilla's imitation of Eddie. "That's exactly what he would say."

Priscilla rolled her eyes at the thought of Eddie. "So you see now why I can't ask him?"

"Just use the Steve card." Robin suggested. "Tell him you and Steve are an item and he might back off. Men seem to only respect other men when it comes to literally anything."

Priscilla shrugged one shoulder as if shrugging the idea off her. "I don't know... Steve and I aren't technically a thing and I don't want to tell Eddie that and him say something to Steve without me saying anything to Steve, you know?"

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