Soul 1: Repiece

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Kirito POV

"Kirito-Kun, I heard that you get didn't get any chocolates, so I made some for you" (Y/N) blushed as she yank on the trim of her skirt. She was twisting her foot into the ground showing that she was nervous. I sucked up my pride and took it from her.

"Thanks (Y/N)-Chan, I will make you something twice as better" I said opening the box and I stuffed a piece of chocolate in my mouth. She looked at me and showed that one, and only smile in the world. My heart started to race but then.... the world around turn black.

I look at (Y/N) and she wasn't there anymore. I started to walk around in the black abyss that made want to vomit, twisting my head then I heard a scream. The next thing you know my walking becoming to jogging becoming to running.

I saw (Y/N) with tears looking desperate and asking for help. I ran to her and trying to grab but when I finally did she shattered and flew away in the wind. I was trying so catch her but then I fell into a bottomless pit. That was filled with my own sadness, and despair. (Y/N) where are you, I need you.


I shot up as tears flooded my face. I wiped them off and looked at my nightstand where (Y/N) was standing next to me at our Grade School Graduation. She was hugging me and smiling. I wish she was here, I looked in the mirror to see my eyes were red and puffy.

'Stop being such a crybaby' (Y/N) words went through my mind and I straighten up my self. I sighed and put up a brave face. I looked at my phone seeing (8) messages each from Lucy and Asuna.

I smiled seeing how we kept our promise to keep on touch. I saw messages like, Hey do u want 2 visit (Y/N), or Wake Up! We're seeing (Y/N)-Chan at 10:30. I'll let you guess which one sent which.

I went to take a shower, brush my teeth a normal daily routine. I went downstairs and I didn't see Sugi. Then I walked to see her walking in her pjs.

"Ohyao Onii-tan, how are you ?" I asked and I smiled.

"Fine" I said and ruffled her hair.

"It's my turn to make breakfast" I said and walked away. I looked at the clock and saw the time. Okay I have 2 hours before they pick me up. I started to cook and I saw as time went faster then it should.


The door rang with screaming and banging. Seeing Lucy and Asuna. Lucy Dragoneel, a blonde hair, sweet guy all around and his names mean the devil though, Asuna Yuki, One of (Y/N)'s and clever girl too.I said good-bye to Sugi and ran out the door. "Look here comes the boy in black." Lucy started to sing in some type of tune.

"Shut up" I said and shoved him and we laughed. Asuna pulled us to the bus and started to the hospital. If you can guess what the name is, it's kinda obvious. We walked talking about normal things. Well not about school, none of our parents enrolled us into it, yet.

Then we saw hospital, '(L/N) Hospital'. Well the (L/N) actually have been a giant corporal company. To hospital to theme parks, they cover it all. (Y/N) was trying to expand in more to technology but she's still stuck.

Just like 300 players but she's lucky cause even her family is still trying keep her alive. "Come on, I got her favorite flowers" Asuna said and whacked us with her bag. We started to run away from her and we ran right if to the hospital and of course got yelled at. We walked to her room and knocked.

"Come in" I heard Mizu voice through the door.

"Hey" We all said in sync and she smiled. I walked to see (Y/N) peacefully sleeping.

"I was just tightening up" She sighed and I saw beer bottles. We all helped her and started finish the small load.

"Sorry, I've been really busy lately, and also Asuna you remember that guy that visited you at the hospital" Mizu started to say but got off track.

"Yeah, Mr. Isuki. Isn't he a pervert and 28 or something" She said and she nodded.

"Yeah, he's forcing on my father that (Y/N) should marry him to expand the company, But that full of crap" She said as a nerve was popping out her head. She started to cuss but very silently.

"Is my wife here" I heard deep and werid voice.

"No, just my little sister" Mizu said and she grabbed her bag. She storm off to him.

"Touch her and I'll use a scapulae to gouache out your eyes" She muttered and then turn to us.

"I'll be right back, I have to grab a bite and swing by fathers office. Bye, Bye" She said and walked out. The man walked to (Y/N) I stood there and he ways a bout to touch her boob.

Asuna grabbed his hand and twisted it. " Sorry but women's code don't ever touch a girls boob unless you her man." Asuna yelled and kick him. He raised a hand to hit her but Lucy grabbed him and flipped him with no effort at all.

"I think that physical therapy is finally paying off." Lucy said and started to roll his shoulder.

"Well, I think (Y/N) wants me here right" He was about to kiss her but then I had to step in.

"Touch her and I make sure.... umm......" I couldn't come up with any thing. But, then he shoved me and we walked off with a dirty look.

"Bastard" I muttered and I looked at (Y/N) with sad eyes. I wished that she was here.

(Y/N), please come back soon.


"COME BACK HERE, BRAT" I heard a fat glob yelled.

"Go FUCK YOURSELF" I screamed and started to run faster. Starting to hear my feet pattering. My breath started become heavier. Someone please help me!
Love ya,


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