Soul 3: Departure

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Asuna POV

I started to rage quit after a few minutes then finally claimed myself down. I stared to 'research' on this Isuki guy. All I know that he was working for my family's company and (Y/N) for a few years now. Has degree in everything to do with technology and science. He the age of 26 and has not been arrested, yet.

Then my video chat started to ring. I clicked in it and saw Kirito and Lucy having smirks. "Why do you all look like pedophiles" I asked and they started to laugh as if they were insane.

"We have a plan A S U N A" Lucy said spelling each letter of my name.

"I'm about to hang up of you don't tell me why you two called me I'm doing research." I said trying not to go to their houses hand strangle them.

"We'll look at this" I heard Kirito said and then my email rang as well. Then I opened it and my eyes widen.

"You see now why we call you" Kirito said and I couldn't believe it. I was a perfectly clear pick of (Y/N) with tears in her eyes.

"(Y/N), why is she in a birdcage and also, why is she a fairy....." I said then a flash back of that tunnel where (Y/N) save me. She was a turning into a fairy. "Asuna, are you okay." Lucy said and I nodded.

I started to take a deep breath, "I'm good, so who send you this photo?" I asked while I started to go back to my research.

"Egil, he wants us to meet us tomorrow at 10:00 a.m." Kirito said and I started to nod. But, then we heard a certain yell.

"LUCIFER WHERE'S THE HELL IS MY HOT SAUCE" I looked at Lucy screen and saw his older brother breaking down Lucy's room. Then we saw Lucy getting chocked.

"GGG-Guys HHH-Help MMM-Me" He yelled and then we saw his little sister.

"Onii-tan, Gray and Gajeel just called and said "This is pay back for.." She said then Nastu covered her mouth.

"Wait Lucy your on video chat" Nastu screamed. I just stare at the point where Lucy screamed.

"I'm Dead, see you tomorrow" He yelled and started to run out the room.

"Bye" Kirito and I yelled and then his little came to the scream while his brother started to chase him.

"I'm Wendy, I'm Lucy younger sister" She smiled and we both smiled.

"Wendy-chan, who are you talking to?" Then we heard a girl voice.

"Asuna what's going on" Kirito asked and then a girl came in the frame.

"Lu-chan" She said and we both looked at each other and then hung up on the call.

I slid down in my chair and started to take a small breather. I started to continue my research. I stare at my laptop screen till it was midnight. I got up and washed my face. I went to sleep and wondering why (Y/N) save me. Am I really that important.

Tomorrow Morning

Kirito POV

I ran out my room still pulling up my pants I ran downstairs. I said good-bye to Sugi and started to run out the door seeing the two looking to their phones.

"Sorry, I slept in" I said and they glared at me.

"You'll have to be more punctual, Kirito-Kun" Asuna said as if she was my mother.

"Maybe I should take away the games" Lucy whispered acting like my father.

"Hai, Hai." I said and shoved both of them. We all started to walk and talk like we usually do.

"So are you okay from last night" I asked remove ring that his brother almost killed him.

"Well I live in a tough household. You haven't even seen all of them. I swear there probably more than 100 people that have to do with my brother and sister." He yelled stretching out his arms. We laughed at his expression and started to trip him.

"I hate you guys" He yelled and he started to playfully punch us. Before we knew it we were at Egil's bar. We knocked and open the door.

"Hey" He said and we ask said hi and went to the stools.

"Does anybody come here, expect us" Asuna asked and Egil got offended.

"It was packed last night" He yelled and we all laughed at him.

"So what's up with this picture" I asked at showed the picture of (Y/N).

"Well some players, in a game called Alfheim online snapped a picture of this." Egil said and darted to clean glasses.

"My siblings have that, they started a guild called fairy tail, I think" Lucy said.

"Anyways, there's some super quest. There's different races, every race can fly but only for unlimited time. So this quest is whoever reach it gets unlimited flying." Egil said and We started to focus.

"So they made a certain technique to get up high enough" Asuna said and Egil nodded.

"Sharp as ever. They used each of they're wing time to get there. So they launched on each other but failed" Egil said.

"I get it. It's smart and really idiotic" I said and they all looked at the photo.

"They all said that they took a picture because they wanted to keep the memory but they got a picture of (Y/N).

"So this game called ALO you thinks she's there" I asked and Egil shrugged.

"It's are only lead" He said and we all sighed.

"I can get the game" Lucy said.

"Me too" Asuna said and I thought can I get it.

"Here Kirito, you borrow it" Egil gave me a copy of the ALO.

"We'll enjoy flying and also learn how to land don't make that mistake" Egil said looking directly at me. I shrugged and shook it off.

"Thanks Egil" We all said and he nodded.

"Go save your princess" He said and we nodded.

This was going to be the day were we Departure.

I hope you enjoyed.

Love ya,


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