August 19th, 1993

107 7 8

𝒞𝒽𝒶𝓅𝓉𝑒𝓇 𝒪𝓃𝑒

The Leaky Cauldron was in the final stretch for officially closing up for the night. Only one straggler sat finishing their drink, taking advantage of every second left until the official closing time.

Off in the corner was a couple checked into the Inn, one quietly reading as the other sat sipping at a drink. They were permitted to sit all night if they truly pleased so were of no concern to the only other soul occupying the space.

Tom, owner and bartender, watched the clock intently as he waited for when he could finally shoo off his last customer and leave for the night. Every tick of the clock dragging as he mindlessly rolled his wand under his hand atop the bar.




As the smallest hand on the clock hit twelve, the minute hand moved to eleven, signaling five minutes til nine. Five minutes until his wait was over.

By some stroke of luck, the straggler decided that then was the time to leave. Tom smiled an ugly one and gave a cheerful goodbye as the bell of the door rang out. The bald man cleaned the once-occupied space with a simple flick of his wand. Being as he was the owner after all, Tom went to leave from behind his bar and close up a few minutes early for the night.

But his cheerful smile dropped when he heard that distinctive ring of the bell call out into the silent room once more.

Checking the clock as he rounded out from the bar he took note of the time, calling out before he could yet get a look at the new arrival, "Only time for a quick drink, three minutes til closing...." Tom was about to make a quick suggestion, but words died on him when he finally looked at who he was speaking to.

He halted in his step at the sight of the young girl who stood only a few steps away from the door; his eyes lingered on the backpack slung over her shoulder... and the suitcase in hand.

"I'm here for a room at the Inn." Her tone was almost empty. And if it wasn't for the poor lighting masking her features, Tom was almost certain her expression would be just as empty.

Tom considered the girl. A quick assessment ran through his practiced mind. Being in his business he thought of himself well versed in people. So he took note of her accent... the states, far from local. He took note of her age... no older than 15. And he took note of the fact she was alone.

A runaway if he had to make a quick guess. But he had no business prying and no business judging.

Tom then considered the situation. The Inn's office was located elsewhere and handled primarily by his night shift worker at this time of night. He was young, 18, and far from the most upright of people... as much as Tom wanted to send the girl in front of him off... he felt it was only right he handled getting her settled.

So, quickly rushing to flip the sign and lock the door, Tom beckoned the girl to follow him, making small note of her intense stare down with the couple in the corner. Their prying eyes locked on her, and her unblinking eyes slowly disturbing them.

Leaving the bar through a door and down an almost cramped hallway, the two wordlessly made their trip to settle the teen's stay. Tom's nature was to make conversation with people, but he was lost on where a good point to start small talk was with the girl. So silence it was.

Tom's night shifter watched curiously as his boss led the teen girl into the room, and after the curiosity settled, Tom saw the interest in the younger man's eyes as he glanced at the girl. Finally, in a space with better lighting, Tom spared a look at her again, knowing immediately what had sparked the younger man's interest.

𝒯𝑜 𝒩𝑒𝓌 𝐵𝑒𝑔𝒾𝓃𝓃𝒾𝓃𝑔𝓈Where stories live. Discover now