September 1st, 1993

54 5 13

𝒞𝒽𝒶𝓅𝓉𝑒𝓇 𝒮𝑒𝓋𝑒𝓃

The room went quiet at the first turn of the doorknob.

Iris entered the room to three sets of eyes locked on her figure. Quickly looking all three over, she shut the door and gave a small smile and nod. Carrying on, she grabbed her items from the middle of the room and carried them over to the spare bed.

The three strangers glanced at each other, talking through their eyes.


Iris broke the silence first, "Names are typically where introductions begin." She glanced at the girls as she waved her hand.

As the suitcase opened and her items began unpacking, Iris grabbed her backpack and began rustling through it, eyes narrowed as she searched.

The girls all showed their surprise in different ways, startled by the action of the new roommate.

Eyes wide, the smallest of the group was first to respond, "Valeria..." she paused as a few items flew past her head and into the bathroom, "Collins." Iris sent a smile her way, but the action went unnoticed as Valeria was focused on the books stacking themselves neatly beside the nightstand.

Next up was a raven-haired girl with worryingly pale skin. She forced her eyes to stay on Iris as she answered, "Sally-Ann Perks." Her cold stare didn't last very long when Iris turned her steady eyes to meet Sally's.

The last was the most hesitant, Iris, even turning back to her search for a moment as the girl nervously glanced about. Eventually, Sally was the one to finish up the introduction, "Tracey Davis, she's a bit shy and, whether you mean to or not, you are... intimidating."

Iris allowed a small smile as she glanced toward the quiet brunette, "That never fully changes, but give it a few weeks. You'll adapt." Iris discarded her bag, once more waving her hand. "If it means anything, if you learn how to deal with me, you may someday be able to stare down McGonagall." Sally-Ann grinned, trouble no doubt on her mind.

A glint appeared in her eyes; Valeria opened her mouth to speak, "How di—" Iris, with no warning, jolted to grasp an object midair. Tracey jumped a bit while the other two just blinked.

Tossing the chapstick aside to the nightstand, she relaxed again, "Had a ring end up in a shoe once. Sometimes magic can be a real screwup."

Watching as Iris sat on the edge of her bed and grabbed her wand from her sock, Valeria tried again, "How did you do that? The spell, I mean."

Tilting her head, Iris shifted her attention to the short girl, "Once you grow comfortable with magic, it just does what you want. I don't give it much thought anymore. The simple spells are just a quick thought and wave of the hand. Wandless magic can be a bit more difficult if you have only ever used a wand.

"But nonverbal spells are easy enough to ease into. Simple things like summoning a book or unpacking a suitcase help with gaining that trust and whatnot with your wand." Iris glanced at Valeria's unpacked bags, "Know in your head what you need to happen, and then just wave your wand."

Valeria was quick to turn to her bag, an eagerness that was entering to see washing over her. Raising her wand and closing her eyes, she concentrated for a moment. The other girls watched in silence. Iris's eyes danced with amusement, the blue flaring through the green just a bit.

Taking a breath, Valeria waved her wand. Sally-Ann and Tracey both held their breaths as the luggage slowly opened.


A squeak came from one of the girls as the lone shoe slammed against the wall.

The three unsuspecting roommates turned to Iris, the shock still prominent in their eyes.

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