September 2nd, 1993

45 7 16

𝒞𝒽𝒶𝓅𝓉𝑒𝓇 𝐸𝒾𝑔𝒽𝓉

Iris had a slow start to her day. She still was the first up and ready, but the standard fifteen minutes of her routine somehow extended to thirty. And beyond that, she spent quite some time just absently looking through her backpack and picking at her uniform's skirt.

However, once her roommates began to stir, she was up and out of the room, backpack over her shoulder, robes left behind. Few people sat about the common room, and all glanced at the newcomer. Well, except for one.

Suddenly more awake than she was all morning, Iris plopped herself into the chair beside Theodore Nott. "Should have stayed in bed," the blue in her eyes flared, bringing back a light they had lacked all morning.

Jumping a slight bit, he looked up from his book to glare at the girl. "Well, it was chancing your appearance or for certain staying with Malfoy and Zabini."

Her smirk made its first appearance of the day. "Oh, so I'm better than Malfoy and Zabini. I feel so honored," she said, sarcasm laced in every word.

Rolling his eyes, Theodore stood from his seat, picking up his bag as he did. Iris's eyes followed him curiously, and once realizing the boy was heading for the exit, she quickly stood and strode after his figure. Long legs proving useful, it took only a second to catch up. Iris asked, "What time does breakfast start?"

"Seven-thirty, but the Great Hall opens at seven," Theodore answered rather blandly.

Iris nodded absently, "How do you know the time? I didn't see a clock in the common room." The two began their ascent up the staircase.

"You know how spells work. Figure it out." Iris oddly zoned out a bit after the words and fell a few steps behind.

The only sound was that strange patter of shoes hitting the stone steps... until it stopped.

Halfway up the staircase, Theodore paused and Iris, returned to her senses, tensed, freezing She attached her dark eyes to his figure. "Don't do that ever again," came his steady voice before he just kept walking.

Once again, Iris's curious eyes watched him, this time till he was out of sight. Then pulling out her wand, she rolled up her sleeve and tapped the object to her wrist and, under her breath, whispered, "Tempus."


Iris had a rather dull start to her morning. She found herself alone with a group of rather nervous first years. They made for poor conversation and seemed very content to look anywhere that wasn't the third year. Only having herself as company, Iris found her eyes constantly wandering to the door, until they eventually did settle on a particular raven-haired boy. One that did surprisingly well at ignoring Iris's gaze. An action that left the girl quiet.

Then her first class of the day came about. Muggle Studies.

Iris walked into the classroom and quickly settled into a seat at the back. Taking out her notebook and a pen, the girl was immediately lost in her own world.

No one chose to tempt fate and take the chair beside the girl. Instead, the entirety of the class filled. Unbothered by the actions of her classmates, Iris mindlessly doodled.

However the seat wouldn't remain empty for long; as just as the professor, Isadora Edwards, began her first day introduction the door opened once more. And in walked a frantic, bushy haired girl.

Everyone's attention shifted to the girl, and one could have heard a pin drop.

Furrowing her brows, Professor Edwards addressed the teen, "Miss. Granger, correct?" Hermione nodded in response; the girl was clearly uncomfortable.

𝒯𝑜 𝒩𝑒𝓌 𝐵𝑒𝑔𝒾𝓃𝓃𝒾𝓃𝑔𝓈Where stories live. Discover now