April 2nd, 1994

36 6 20

𝒞𝒽𝒶𝓅𝓉𝑒𝓇 𝒯𝓌𝑒𝓃𝓉𝓎-𝐹𝑜𝓊𝓇

There were still two months until final exams, and yet everyone around Iris seemed to have already thrown themselves into studying. Which granted may have just been her choice in company... Valeria and Theodore were just top-of-the-class freaks, Jane had parents with expectations, and Tracey was throwing herself into studying as she tried to move on.

And with the Quidditch finale just a week away, even Harry Potter was focused on his own thing, throwing himself into practice with his firebolt.

Sally-Ann was definitely Iris's only sane friend. But even she was busy with a fling with some Ravenclaw boy.

So escaping from the mountains of school books, not just in the dorm but also in the common room, Iris took a walk. Strolling through the castle in a fruitless attempt to find anything to do. For such a big castle... it really lacked things to do. Especially when on your own.

And Iris, bored and on her own, left her far too susceptible to taking up any chance at conversation life could throw at her.

So when she walked by the library and met the eyes of a certain Hermione Granger, carrying far too many books, she couldn't stop herself from turning right back around.

Iris joined the girl in her walk, making her jump at the sudden appearance of another person. Hermione struggled to keep her hold on her books, flinching as she looked over to see Iris. "You've been on a roll recently, from what I have heard. Slapping Malfoy, skipping classes, dropping divination," Iris eyes the book at the top of Hermione's stack, "Taking all those extra classes must be getting to you."

Picking up the book from the top of the stack, Iris raised an eyebrow, "Also, your individual research," she began flipping through pages, "Good find, probably the most recent to have been donated to the school."

The pair started up the stairs, each of Hermione's steps unstable as she balanced the books, "Why did you even tell me? You hated me digging before."

Iris hummed, eyes skimming over a page, "The peace signings of 1873 solidified our relationship with the Ministry of Magic... this was the worst history lesson I ever sat through...." Slamming the book shut, Iris placed it back on the stack in Hermione's arms.

Swinging her arms Iris looked forward, eyes wandering over the seemingly miles of stairs left to climb, "Lapse of judgment mostly, too tired to fight... and Theodore said yes to a date with Tracey to quell her curiosity. To answer her questions on what could be."

Whatever analogy Iris was making seemed lost on Hermione, her face scrunching with a question. Still, Iris interrupted it before she could even fully think it, "I grew up with cameras thrown in my face anytime I made a public appearance. Luckily being seven, no one really had any questions to ask me, but my father was always hounded by reporters."

Hermione shifted the books in her arms, looking down to her feet as she uneasily continued up while listening to Iris, "About everything, and even when you spend your whole life with the vultures circling, it can be exhausting. So one day, my father came up with a plan. A deal with the reporters. He told them anything they wanted about the politics and the private events if they would stop following us while going out for a movie. Or if they would stop asking about what school I would be going to, about his divorce from my mother...."

Iris nodded to herself, absently watching a picture with some horses running around, "An exchange of information for an ounce of privacy. Their big questions were answered, and personal stuff was left alone. It killed their curiosity, or maybe rather just helped them move on from bothering us."

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