December 19th, 1993

40 6 20

𝒞𝒽𝒶𝓅𝓉𝑒𝓇 𝒮𝑒𝓋𝑒𝓃𝓉𝑒𝑒𝓃

The astronomy tower was the tallest tower at Hogwarts.

A circular room with large openings along the walls, a balcony running along the circumference a few feet out. The only safeguards from almost certain death were the waist-high railings, not even solid, just thin rails... the largest of gaps one could so easily just slip through, if not just hop the railing.

The openness of the tower was... a huge safety violation, no doubt. But it did make the astronomy tower easily the most beautiful viewpoint in Hogwarts. Overlooking the grounds, the lake, the forest, the cliffs and pits that surrounded Hogwarts. The view stretched on for miles in any direction one looked. And the stars seemed to shine all that much brighter from there.

So Iris sat at the edge of the balcony, feet dangling off the edge, eyes locked on what seemed to be a void beyond the castle... the lake oddly haunting on a moonless night.

A cool breeze ran through the air, across her skin, through her hair, but Iris was not there... mentally, at least.

Which is why when a figure appeared at her side, leaning against the railing, she jolted. The movement caught the corner of her eye, causing her head to jerk and hands to grip the edge of the balcony, prepared to get up if need be.

But it was an unnecessary panic, for it was only Harry Potter. Iris relaxed instantly, her shoulders falling and her eyes right back to the void below.

Neither spoke, both intently focused on the views beyond, or no that is wrong, both completely lost to their thoughts.

One looking into the void below, hanging on the edge. Emotions unknown, no expression on her face. No anger in her body language.

The other looking up to the stars above, gripping to the rails. Anger radiated off him in waves, eyes deadly. Tension in every part of his body.

"Sirius Black was my dad's best friend, he was friends with my mum... and he betrayed them. Sold them off to Voldemort. He killed them."

Iris didn't react even a bit to Harry's cold words. Not the slightest bit of shock ran through her body, and not even the slightest flinch.

And he kept going, throwing his anger out into the still air, "I hate him... and if he comes for me again. I... I will kill him."

Silence filled the air again, Iris still not seeming to take in a word of what he was saying. But then, as another breeze rolled in, Iris took in a breath, closing her eyes as the cool air ran over her skin again.

"My dad died July 31, 1991," Harry blinked at the revelation, he looked down at the girl, "your 11th birthday. I was set to start Hogwarts that year as well... instead, my dad was murdered...."

Iris reopened her eyes, still dull as they could be, lifeless, "Over two years ago, and I still can remember that entire day so vividly... I had to listen to those people. Listen as they... as he.... I saw him. Their words, voices are engraved in my entire being... if I ever came across them again I would—" Iris stopped herself from continuing, sucking in a breath, reeling back in.

"December 18 is his birthday..." she frowned, "was his birthday. And I forgot... I... what if I am starting to forget? What if he starts fading from my mind? I... I can't forget him...." Iris clenched her jaw, her fists closing as she stopped herself once more.

This time she stopped herself for good, allowing the subject to fade as silence filled the air again.

Harry moved his gaze from Iris, returning to his stars.

𝒯𝑜 𝒩𝑒𝓌 𝐵𝑒𝑔𝒾𝓃𝓃𝒾𝓃𝑔𝓈Where stories live. Discover now