September 1st, 1993

40 5 6

𝒞𝒽𝒶𝓅𝓉𝑒𝓇 𝒮𝒾𝓍

Upon entering the castle, Harry Potter and Hermione Granger were called for by noon other than Professor McGonagall. Ronald Weasley was forced to carry on to the Great Hall, joining a group of boys to avoid walking alone as his friends abandoned him unwillingly.

Hermione seemed a fair bit more confident as the pair followed the woman. On the other hand, Harry seemed to be thinking back on past experiences... a trip to a professor's office typically meant you were in trouble.

But as the teens settled into the office, the school nurse Madam Pomfrey joined them, beginning to fret over Harry. And McGonagall had taken her leave to deal with the arriving first years... leaving Harry safe from whatever he expected to happen.

Pomfrey would spend some time dotting over the boy, complaining about the dementors the whole way through. Unhappy with their supposed effect on people, less than happy about how many students she would have to help through the year. Harry and Hermione just remained silent the whole time. Harry more so out of just being quiet for the sake of being quiet... On the other hand, Hermione tapped her foot endlessly, something on her mind.

Eventually, Pomfrey seemed satisfied with Harry's condition and backed away, allowing the two teens the privacy to talk, a chance Hermione jumped at, "How much do you know about Iris?"

Harry shrugged, failing to notice the way his friend seemed a tad bit tense, "Iris never talked much about herself. I said everything I know."

Hermione seemed a bit annoyed as she glanced at Harry, "So a pureblood from America, only starting school now. Doesn't that bug you?" she paused, a bit of annoyance peaking into her features, "That you know nothing? I mean, you couldn't even say a last name to see if Ron or I have heard of her family."

Harry narrowed his eyes as he shot his attention to Hermione, "She is nice, never pried into my life, so I did the same. She never spoke bad about muggles and never spoke bad about you or Ron. I know enough."

Hermione tilted her head, her voice softening, "Do you actually?"

Harry turned away from Hermione at the question, face scrunching with anger and then settling into a blank state seconds later. The question finally seemed to lock into his brain.

Hermione sighed and opened her mouth to speak, but then the door opened. Professor McGonagall had returned and with it took Hermione to talk.

Leaving Harry to spend some time alone, mind filled with countless questions he never asked.


The walk back was silent, for the most part. The group of four quickly walked through the empty halls. Even the moving portraits kept their conversations quiet.

Madam Pomfrey eventually departed from the group, disappearing into the Hospital Wing.

All that was heard were the clicks of McGonagall's heels.

Click. Click. Click

Click. Click. Click.

"Could I ask you a question, Professor?" Harry's voice startled the two women, both having been lost to their own thoughts.

McGonagall, however, was quick to recover, her eyes still forward. She answered, "You already did, but I suppose, as your teacher, another is permitted."

Harry hesitated for a moment, his eyes falling to the floor as he found the words. McGonagall and Hermione both glanced at him curiously.

Finding his words, Harry spoke up, eyes still to the ground, "There is a new third year, Iris." Another breath of hesitation followed, and with it, so did the demeanor of the two walking companions.

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