August 20th, 1993

51 5 7

𝒞𝒽𝒶𝓅𝓉𝑒𝓇 𝒯𝓌𝑜

The Leaky Cauldron was an odd place. Not only for the odd people that walked about as they spoke of their strange world. No, the Leaky Cauldron was also odd for the secret world. Hidden through the back door was a small alley closed off with a brick wall. It seemed ordinary enough, but when one tapped a few bricks, the wall would pull back, and it would open to reveal a world unknown to the ordinary.

The world was, at its most basic self, a typical street with shops and a bank. But there was more.

There were creatures. Some looked normal, like any average person. They could walk the streets, and no one would mind. Others were not so human; instead, right out of fiction. Goblins maned the bank. A giant of a man carried around bags. And little creatures dressed in pillowcases and sporting elf-like ears chased after people.

The shops were for the most abnormal of things. The pet store had bats and owls. The clothing store had robes that would never have passed in the modern world. The books told of spells and potions and curses to trick your friends. And the strangest of all was the wand store.

This strange, strange world was one of magic. It was odd, yet no one seemed the slightest bit out of place.


Harry Potter had been at the Leaky Cauldron for nearly two weeks. His days were spent in possibly the most boring of ways. Sitting at an ice cream shop writing essays for school.

It was far too early for friends to begin popping up for their shopping, so his shock was evident when one day, glancing up from his ice cream, he spotted a mass of brown hair. He about shouted out but luckily did a double-take.

No, this wasn't his friend. Her hair was darker, so much so it could be mistaken for black without the sun. And shorter, this girl's hair only an inch or two from her shoulders. Not only that, but his friend never tied up her hair, and the more he looked, the slightest bit tamer it seemed.

Apparently, Mr. Potter watched this girl for far too long as she turned and locked eyes with him, a bit of annoyance peeking onto her features. Harry quickly turned away and missed how the annoyance faded out and how recognition faded in. He missed the breath catching inter throat, and he missed her slowly pocketing her wand and grabbing her empty plate as she stood up. Most importantly, he missed as she slowly worked her way over.


The girl had just finished a rather peaceful lunch. Playing with her wand, she sat observing the world, the people, the sky, the animals, everything. She felt the eyes of her watcher but, at first, chose to ignore them. However, then the second minute passed, and the girl found herself slowly losing the peaceful moment.

Eyes shooting into a glare, she turned her head to meet her onlookers' green eyes. Green eyes which quickly set off some form of memory. Green eyes that led to a breath catching in her throat. Green eyes which made her pocket that wand and grab that empty plate as she stood. Green eyes which sent the lone girl walking toward another.


She seemed to hesitate just as she reached his table. Her fingers brushed against the back of the empty chair across from him. She seemed to take a moment for herself...building up some form of courage to ask the question that, with time, did leave her lips, "Mind if I sit here?"

𝒯𝑜 𝒩𝑒𝓌 𝐵𝑒𝑔𝒾𝓃𝓃𝒾𝓃𝑔𝓈Where stories live. Discover now