0.0 Introduction

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Narrator's pov

Beck Oliver. A young man, whom is in love with his boyfriend Max, and wouldn't let anyone hurt him or their relationship.

"Name" they asked looking at him.

"Beck Oliver" he smiled looking at Max who was giving him a thumbs up.

"And why are you auditioning today?" They asked as he pinched his eye brows together confused.

"To go to Hollywood arts for acting" he said as they nodded.

"you may began" they said as he let out a breath beginning.

Max Danielson. More innocent than you could think, over the moon in love with his boyfriend.


"Max, uh Max Danielson" he spoke nervously, but calming down when he saw Beck.

"And what are you auditioning for" they asked.

"To go to Hollywood arts" he said, smiling when he saw Beck smiling at him.

"And you may began" They said as he began singing.

Beck and Max were walking hand-in-hand through the hallways after they finished their audition.

"Do you think ill make it?" Max asked nervously as Beck smiling turning to him.

"Of course you'll make it" Beck said kissing his boyfriend's forehead.

"Come on, lets sneak in and see whos next" Max laughed, as Beck smiling following him.

They walked in sitting in the back

Anastasia Spencer. A young women who knew what she wanted and would do anything to get it.


"Anastasia Spencer" She spoke smoothly not stuttering or skipping a beat.

"And why are you auditioning today" They asked as she mentally rolled her eyes, but physically plastered on a smile.

"To go to Hollywood arts" She said crossing one leg over the other and placing her hands on her lap.

"Perfect, and what's your talent" they asked looking at her.

"Singing" she smiled.

"Okay, go ahead" he said as they all put their attention to her, as she began.

"She's pretty" Max whispered, as Beck nodded placing his arm around Max.

"She is" He nodded agreeing.

"Do you think she'll want to be our friend" Max asked smiling at Beck.

Beck chuckled quietly nodding "Of course she will" he spoke clapping when she finished, as she smiled walking off the stage.

"Should we go talk to her?" Beck asked as Max nodded smiling.

They walked out of the room, to the other side where the only other door is to only find her halfway down the hallways.

Walking hand-in-hand with someone they couldn't tell who it was.

"Its okay, bub. We can try on her first day" he smiled as Max nodded.

A/N so like... I'm in love with this already. Okay sooo I'm gonna go along the story line just added Max and Beck are dating, and that Tori and Anastasia are the new girls and we still dont like Tori but we can give her a chance

High School Sweetheart's • Beck Oliver & Max DanielsonWhere stories live. Discover now