0.9 Butternut!

762 37 1

3rd person pov 

"Mom, dad, this is Max and Beck. Beck and Max this is my mom, Clarie, and my dad Louis" Anastasia smiled introducing the four of them, they all said their welcoming's before they moved to the dining room

Food was littered along the table along with different types of drinks, Ana sat between the two boys and across her parents 

"This looks delicious" Max smiled placing a napkin on his lap

"Merci. J'apprecie vraiment cela" Clarie smiled leaning on the table, "Ana m'a aide, c'est una excellente cuisiniere"
(Thank you i really appreciate it. Ana helped me, she's an excellent cook"

The two boys looked at Ana who was staring at her mom, her mom had a little smirk on her face, she knew what she was doing 

"She said thank you, i really appreciate it" Ana said grabbing her drink

"And" her dad trailed off

"Ana helped me, she's an excellent cook" Ana added

"So what are you two going to Hollywood Arts for?" Louis questioned eating some food 

"Im in for acting and Max is in for singing" Beck replied as he placed his drink down and smiled a little 

It had been a few minutes later the five were talking and eating, and then Anastasia felt a hand on each of her thighs

She looked down to see Max's ring covered hand and Beck's hand on her thigh, she looked up as her mom was raising her eyebrows at her

"Maman, stop" Ana whispered as her mom laughed

"Nous le voyons tous, Ana, nous tour sauf toi" her mom winked as her dad snorted
"We all see it, Ana, all of us except you"

"Ok, mom, we're gonna go up to my room" Ana stood up their hands slipping off her thighs

"Do you need help with the dishes or anything?" Max asked also standing 

"Non" Clarie waved the three off

"Thank you so much, it was absolutely delicious"  Beck added placing his napkin on his plate 

"We'd love to have you guys over again soon" Louis smiled repeating what his wife said to him 

"Of couse, we'd love to come over. This was so much fun" Max smiled as Clarie went over and hugged the two

"Ok, i love you two, bye!" Ana smiled grabbing Max and Beck's hand as she dragged them up the stairs and into her room

"What was that!" Ana whisper yelled as she closed her door, pushing the two boys on her bed

"I mean like, im not complaining, but like in front of my parents! Come on" she groaned as she began to pace, the two boys looked at each other

"And like my moms already got this idea that we're in love in her head and now she's gonna go and start planning a big old wedding and sending invites out as we speak" she added as Max slowly stood up and walked over to the girl

"Ana, baby, breath" he whispered as she let out a breath, "Good girl"

"Oh, God" she whispered staring at him, Max smiled placing his hands on her face and kissing the girl

She put her arms around his neck pulling him closer, Beck stood up before standing behind the girl and kissing her neck

The next day 

Ana, Max and Jade made their way into the auditorium, only to stop seeing Tori on some dude's back, some of the class made their way over to get Tori off of him

"Woah tori"

"Yo, yo come on"

"Tori relax" Robbie, Max and Andre called out at once as they grabbed Tori off the dude 

"what are you doing" The teacher asked looking at Tori.

"That guy was beating up beck" she said pointing at him.

"Oh, you poor thing" Jade said patting his arm knowing he wasnt really getting beat up 

Beck turned to Tori, "We were practicing" he said putting his arm around Max

"Thus is Russ" the teacher introduced 

"I'm Russ" he waved 

"He is a professional stuntman, i invited him here to teach the class about stage fighting".

"And now tori says "what is stage fighting" Ana laughed a little as Max put his hand on her waist, Tori did infact turn to Andre and asked what stage fighting it 

"I took a class with him last summer" Beck spoke up 

"well, it looked like he was hurting you" Tori frowned looking at Beck, Max rolled his eyes 

"why do you care anyways" Max asked staring at her 

"Cause i figure he already suffers enough pain being friends with you guys"

"I can show you pain" Jade said raising her brow as Beck and Max grabbed her

"Let's go sit over there"Ana spoke up grabbing Jade's hand as she brought them over to a row to sit down

The class was sitting in their seats as Russ was yipping and yapping about stage fighting and some other stuff, Ana was zoned out playing with Max's rings 

She only began to pay attention as Beck began to play with her hair, she listened as he began to call out names for people to be partners 

"Beck and Cat, Andre and Kenzie, Daren and Jess, Max and Anastasia, Tori and Jade"

"Tori and who" Tori asked wide eyed as she sat up in her seat, Jade smirked as she looked at Tori, Jade was very protecitve over Max, and Jade's not dumb anyone could see Tori flirting with Beck

Ana, Beck, Max and Jade sat at a table as they were outside for lunch,  "so how's your stage fighting going" Ana asked playing with her necklace 

"So far so good, Cat and I have been rehearsing" Beck said drinking his soda 

"So have me and Tori" Jade added 

"You aren't gonna hit her for real right?" Max asked looking at the girl who shrugged, "Nope, just wanna give her a scare"

Ana and Max finished their scene as he broke a breakaway glass bottle over her head, the two walked off stage and sat back down next to Beck

"Amazing. Now we have Jade and Tori" the teacher said as the two walked on stage 

"Okay, for our scene I'm gonna be playing an old lady whos walking home from bingo game" Tori spoke up first 

"And I'm playing a brutal mugger" Jade added putting on a black hat 

"Yeah, a brutal mugger, who mugs me without actually hurting me" Tori said a little nervous that Jade was really gonna hit her 

The two had gotten into their starting position, "Butternut" Tori yelled the second the teacher said they can go ahead 

"What!" Jade questioned annoyed 

"I was making sure it worked" Tori said going back to her position 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 01 ⏰

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