0.5 The Bird Scene

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Anastasi Pov

"Ready? Drive-By acting exerice. You're all angry Englishmen. Go" Sikowitz said as we all stood up, and everyone began to talk at once

"I insist you tell me who sat on me crumpet."

"My grandmummy went to the loo while i snogged the Prime Minister"

"This flock of whip-poor-wills is bother my trousers"

"Good heavens, there's a dead cockroach in my brassiere"


"Well, i told you not to put plum sauce on me banger"

"All right, All right! Very good. Quiet down" Sikowitz said as Beck came over sitting next to Max, as i sat on the other side of Max

"Now that we're all loosey and or/goosey" he said doing a little dance "The time has come that our two newest students to tackle..... The Bird Scene" He said pointing at Tori and I

"Anni, go wait in the hallways. Tori, the stage is yours, though you cant take it home." he said as i got up going into the hallways and Tori got onto the stage

3rd person pov

Max smiled at Anastasis as she left, before turning to Beck "Is it bad that i think i might like her?" he asked as Beck shook his head

"Of course not" Beck smiled kissing his forehead as they both turned towards the stage to watch Tori do her scene

"Um, can i ask you a quick question before i start?" She asked as Jade groaned

"So-" she began but Sikowitz cut her off

"Just do your best. Action!"

"Okay" She said setting her book on the floor, and getting into character "Is was 1934 when my husband left me. Alone. Living on the prairie was a deary existence. No telephone, no radio. Only a large, majestic bird with whom i shared my feelings. One day when i was feeling low, i said to him, "Oh, bird, you can fly. You can soar miles from this lonely place, yet you stay, why?" And apparently, my question rang true, for that afternoon, the bird left. and so went my spirit" She finished looking down.

She looked up when she realized no one was clapping or talking, "How was that?" She asked looking at everyone

"What do you mean?"

"Did i do the scene right?" she asked

"OH! no, not at all" he said getting up and walking to the stage

"Okay. Then what did i do wrong?" she asked as he grabbed her book off of the floor

"You'll have to perform the scene again tomorrow and get it right or else you cannot be in Andre's play or any other"

"But can you tell me what i did wrong?" she asked as he moved her to the door

"No, i cant" he said going back to the stage

"I dont get any feedback?"

"That is correct" he said looking at her

"But-" she began as Sikoiwtz cut her off, opening the door and pushing her out

"Come on, Anni, your turn" he said dragging her in the room and pushing her onto the stage

"peux-tu arrêter de me bousculer!" she said looking at him as he raised his eyebrows
(Can you stop pushing me!)

"Okay, im ready" she smiled fixing her hair, as Sikowitz went and sat down

"Is was 1934 when my husband left me. Alone. Living on the prairie was a deary existence. No telephone, no radio. Only a large, majestic bird with whom i shared  my feelings. One day when i was feeling low, i said to him, "Oh, bird, you can fly. You can soar miles from this lonely place, yet you stay, why?" And apparently, my question rang true, for that afternoon, the bird left. and so went my spirit" she finished before looking at everyone

"Arent you gonna ask how it was?" Sikowitz asked as she shook her head

"Yeah, no offence, but im not gonna take advice about a scene i did perfect from a man with no shoes, and drinks coconut milk that gives him visions" she said pursing her lips

Everyone looked at eachother, before clapping as she smiled going and sitting back down by Max, as Sikowitz let Tori back in

"You did it good, the point is to only want your opinion on your scene and not to worry about anyone else's opinion" Max whispered to me

"Drive-by exercise you're all terrified dolphins. Go!" he said as everyone got up jumping around and making dolphin noises

"Live the fear. Live the fear" he repeated, as Tori sighed sitting down

Anastasia Spencer

If this girl ask one more time how to do the bird scene im gonna Ferme ta langue dans un casier

Mood - Annoyed


Jade West
Stasi, what does this mean?
Reply ~ youll never know.

Max Danielson
If this is what it looks like to cuss someone out in French, i love it

Anastasia pov

"Oh, come on!" Tori sighed for the millionth time, after we told her once again we cant tell her about the bird scene and what she did wrong

"How am i supposed to do the scene right if no one will tell me what i did wrong, i thought you guys were my friends" she whined going over to her locker

"im not you friend" Jade smirked

"je ne t'aime pas du tout" I smiled grabbing Max's hand, as he grabbed Beck and we followed Jade to the vending machine
(I dont like you at all)

"Come on, Stasi, i dont even know what that means" Tori said opening her locker as i shrugged

"I was hoping we could be more than friends" Rex said looking at Tori, as i smiled taking the drink from Beck as he handed Max and I one

"Uh, its so gross how he's always hitting on every girl" we heard Cat say as we walked back over to them

"I never hit on you, but Anastasia, i wont go a day without hitting on her"

"And i wont go a day ripping your arm off your body and hitting you repeatedly with it" I smiled looking at him, as he shivered


"You guys... my problem" Tori sighed as Jade and I rolled our eyes

"Number one rule of the bird scene is no one's allowed to help you." Beck said putting his arm around Max

"no one" Rex echoed

"So this is what you did with your locker?" Jade asking looking at the dry erase board stuck to Tori's locker

"Yeah. See, it's a dry erase board with a bunch of colorful pens in a convenient cup. So whoever wants to, can write or draw whatever they want" She explained

"But you're supposed to decorate it yourself" he said using his other hand to lean on the wall, i was laying against

"Its a hollywood arts tradition" Cat nodded, as I gave my drink to Beck, and Jade gave her's to Max, as we each grabbed a marker out of the cup

Jade wrote "stupid" in between "Tori's locker" as i wrote "je ne t'aime pas du tout"
(Ugly and Boring)

"Well whats wrong with letting other people be expressive on my locker?" Tori asked as i smiled finishing writing

"Well, for one thing, they can do that" Robbie said pointing to what we wrote, we grabbed our drinks back from the boys walking away

"Yeah? Yeah, well my lockers smarter than your locker!" Tori yelled watching them walk away "An-and i dont even know what that means!" She yelled as Max turned around walking backward

"It means ugly and boring" he called, before turning back around placing his arm around Beck and Stasi, as she put her arm around Max and Jade

"Hey, the French classes are paying off" Stati said smiling

"Yup, next is to teach me how to French kissed" he joked, but not really, as she rolled her eyes smiling

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