0.6 French Class

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3rd Person Pov

Beck, Stasi and Max were sitting in her room as they were doing another French session

"Okay, what other words?" she asked sitting back on her bed handing them waters, before her mom walked into her room

"Anastasia, tu ne m'as pas dit que tu avais de la compagnie" she said looking at the two boys, as they smiled waving at her (Anastasia, you didnt tell me you had company)

"c'est pour l'école maman, je leur ai proposé de leur apprendre le français" she replied looking at her mom (Its for school, mom, I offered to teach them French)

"moi et ton père sortons, il y a de l'argent sur la table pour le dîner, ils peuvent rester mais ne fais rien que je ferais si j'avais deux garçons sexy dans ma chambre" her mom called as Anastasia looked at her wide eyed (me and your dad are going out, there's money on the table for dinner, they can stay but don't do anything I would do if I had two hot boys in my room)

"Maman! Vous ne pouvez pas dire ça. Mais ne t'inquiète pas, ils sortent ensemble donc je doute fortement qu'ils m'apprécient." Anastasia said shrugging as her mom looked at her
(Mom! you cant say that. But dont worry, they're dating, and I highly doubt they like me)

"Hé, quand tu trouveras ma fille, fais-le-moi savoir, parce que la Stasi que je connais et que j'ai élevée ne parlerait jamais comme ça, mais je dois y aller, je t'aime" her mom said as Anastasia smiled a little (hey, when you find my daughter, let me know, because the Stasi that i know and raised would never talk like this, but i have to go, i love you)

"Je t'aime, maman!" she called out as her mom shut her door
(I love you, mom)

"You guys were talking way to fast for me to catch anything" Max said after a second as Beck nodded in agreement

"Nothing important, just said you guys can stay and there's money on the table for dinner" Stasi said as they both nodded

"Anyways, what words do you wanna learn next?" She asked looking at them

"Uh, suck a dick" Max said as they both looked at him, before she nodded

Beck, Max, and I walked into Sikowitz class room running into Tori

"So, you ready?" Beck asked looking at Tori

"Oh, im way past ready. Sikowitz wants the bird scene, im gonna give him the bird scene. I got props, i got a backdrop, and just to kiss up a little, i even got Sikowitz two large coconuts" she said pulling them from her bag

"Those are good ones" Beck said looking between the two

"au moins, elle sait qu'elle embrasse le cul" I shrugged as Beck put his arm around around mine and Max's waist

"Whats the deal with Sikowitz and coconuts?" Robbie asked as Max shrugged

"He says the milk gives him visions" Beck said before leading Max and I to go sit down, as Jade followed sitting next to me, moving Beck out of the chair he was in

"oops, didnt see you" she said sitting down, as i smiled shaking my head as the bell rang and Sikowitz walked into the classroom

"All right. Rehear-" but he stopped talking as he did some duck and roll around and then onto the stage, as we all looked at him confused

"We have much to do today" he said taking off his bag and tossing it across the floor

"But first....Tori, "The Bird Scene" he said as she stood up

"Im ready. And before i begin, id like you to have these two large coconuts" she said brining them up to the stage and giving them to him

"Thank you. You know, their milk gives me visions" He said taking them from here

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