0.8 Two Hot Boyfriends

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3rd person pov

"You guys ready?" Tori asked smiling, they were all surrounded around her locker, she had finally change it from that one stripe




"i just wanna eat"

She shut her locker before doing jazz hands pointing at it, she smiled as they all looked at it blankly

"Make what shine?" Trina asked after reading the locker

"Its the title of the song i sang in the big showcase"




"i still just wanna eat"

"Because, you know, that's what got me here in the first place" she smiled looking at everyone

"I dont like it"

"Maybe the words should be bigger"

"yes!" Trina nodded as they all began to talk at once

"Ah-ah-ah-ah-ah-ah" she said waving her finger at everyone "I believe in my own choices and i dont need approval from others" she said smiling

"Ah, the young female had learned the ways of "The Bird Scene"

"I still think its dull" Jade shrugged drinking the coffee she stole from Anastasia

"yeah? Well, maybe i should make it shine" She smiled pressing a button as her locker lit up


"Very nice"

"Okay, are we going to eat or what?" Anastasia asked annoyed and hungry

"Aw, shes hangry" Max said placing his arm around the shorter girl

"Oh, yay, food!" Cat smiled following Jade, Max, Stasi and Trina

"Come with?" Beck asked looking back at Tori as she shrugged

"Sure" she smiled following the group

Anastasia pov

"What are you doing?" I asked walking into my room to see my mom cleaning up, she looked up at me, as i sighed

"Que fais-tu" I asked looking at her
(What are you doing)

"Mieux" She smiled looking at me

"Quoi qu'il en soit, vous ne le savez pas, mais j'ai demandé à ces deux gars qui sont venus dîner l'autre soir. Ton père et moi voulons rencontrer tes futurs petits amis" she shurgged as i looked at her (You dont know this, but i asked those two boys to come over for dinner, from the other night. Your dad and i wanna meet your future boyfriends)

"Maman, non" I said looking at her, as she waved me off
(mama, no)

"Stasi, s'il te plaît. J'essaie seulement de faire avancer les choses plus rapidement" She said sitting on my bed as i scoffed (Stasi, please, im just trying to get things done fast"

"Notre relation n'a rien à voir avec toi, et qui a dit que je voulais être avec eux de toute façon ? Je peux être juste ami avec deux mecs sexy" I shrugged sitting at my vanity turning the chair to look at her (Our relastionship has nothing to do with you, and who said i wanted to be with them anyways? I can be friends with two hot guys)

"Oh s'il te plaît, je vois la façon dont tu les regardes, et la façon dont ils te regardent. Tout le monde sauf toi et les garçons peut le voir" She said rolling her eyes
(Oh please, i see the way you look at them, and the way they look at you. Everyone but you and the boys can see it)

"Maman-" i began, sighing when she cut me off

"Assurez-vous de bien vous habiller. L'invité sera bientôt là" she smiled bowing a kiss and leaving
(make sure you dress well. The guest will be here soon)

"Ils ne connaissent pas maman française!" I yelled as i heard her laugh little
(They don't know French mom!)

"Bien, ils ne pourront pas m'entendre planifier ma fille et leur mariage"
(Good, they won't be able to hear me planning my daughters and their wedding"

"Maman, non ! Papa, arrête-la !" i yelled running down the stairs as she was laughing
(mom, no! Dad, stop her)

"tu connais ta mère, quand elle a quelque chose qu'elle veut, elle y arrivera" my dad smiled taking food out of the stove as i groaned
(you know your mother, when she has something she wants, she will make it happen)

"tu ne peux pas les faire tomber amoureux de moi, alors" i smiled before going up the stairs, just cause i didn't want them over doesn't mean im not gonna dress nice
(You went make them fall in love with me, so"

"je ne peux pas faire quelque chose qui a déjà été fait !" i heard her yell
(I can't do something that's already been done!)

After taking a shower i blew dry my hair before sitting at my vanity doing basic makeup

Getting dressed into a red, short sleeve cropped top that tied in the front, a white skirt that ties on the side, and white high top converse

Leaving my hair in its natural state i put on jewelry before making my way downstairs hearing my mom yelling for me

"What!" i asked as she opened the door to reveal Max and Beck

"Oh, Max, Beck, salut !" My mom smiled hugging the two as i smiled apologetically at them
(Oh, Max, Beck, hi!)

"Maman, veux-tu m'accorder une seconde et nous te retrouverons à table" i smiled
(Mama, will you give me a second and we'll meet you at the dinner table)

"Bien sûr. Mais rien au-dessus de la taille" she teased making me roll my eyes
(Of course. Nothing about the waist)

"Sorry about her" i smiled allowing them to come inside and close the door

"Its all good" Max said taking his jacket off as i hung it up, Beck following

"You look pretty" Beck smiled grabbing my hand and spin my around as i laughed

"Okay, my mom only speaks French, but she understands English. So she knows what you're saying, you just don't know what she's saying" I explained quickly as they nodded following along

"We know some, but not a lot. Do you think she'll hate us? What if she talks about us in French and we'll never know, or what if your dad hates us and wants us to leave and never hand out with you again, and then he makes you guys move and we're never able to see you again-"

"Max, breath" i said grabbing his shoulders as he looked at me letting out a breath

"Good, just like that" Beck smiled at his boyfriend grabbing his hand

"Calm down, okay? He doesn't hate you, he's not gonna hate you, they're not gonna make me move away from you, or anything you think is gonna happen" I explained as he nodded letting out another breath


"Oh, la Stasi ! ne prends pas une éternité, nous voulons rencontrer tes deux petits amis sexy" my dad jokes going along with my mom
(Oh, Stasi! Don't take forever, we wanna meet your two hot boyfriend)

"What did he say?" Max asked after a second

"Just that i'm taking forever and he wants to meet you guys, come on" I sighed grabbing each of theirs hand and heading to the kitchen where my parents were

High School Sweetheart's • Beck Oliver & Max DanielsonWhere stories live. Discover now