0.7 Bird Scene... again

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Anastasia Pov

After i got unhandcuffed i decided to begin my plot for Tori's murder, but it wont look like a murder, but i was rudely interrupted, when the ballet teacher dragged me to her classroom

I guess since the other girl got trampled by boys her first day she didnt wanna go back, so now here i was glaring at everyone who looked at me, besides Robbie and Andre.

I was sitting on a chair when Andre and Robbie walked over to Madame Makee and I

"Madame Makee?" Andre asked glancing at me before looking at her


"We're gonna have to drop this class"

"If you drop this class then it goes on your permanent record as a zeh-ro" She said placing her hands on her hips

"oh, come on, you cant give us a zeh-ro" Andre complained, i wonder if i sound like that when i try to pronounce words, and if they mock me when im not looking

"Why do you want to drop zis class?"

"Look around, no woman" Rex spoke up as i rolled my eyes

"We're surrounded by dude in tights'. The only good thing right now is Anastasia" Rex added as i scoffed

"its just gross" Robbie said shaking his head

I was walking to my locker when Max grabbed my hand dragging me to his locker

"i need my stuff" I whined as he shrugged

"We can get it later" he said waving my off as we stopped at his locker

"Look" he smiled pointing at his locker, as i smiled a little

"You changed it" I commented as he nodded

"Do you like it?" he asked looking at me as i nodded

"I love it" I smiled admiring the picture's of Max and his friends, even pictures that we took yesterday of Max, Beck and I were on there

"When did you do it?" Beck asked coming over and placing his hands around Max

"This morning, Mr.s Lay let me use the printer in the library. And then i skipped second period and put them all together" he said as we smiled at him

"I love it, i still need to figure out what im gonna do with my locker" I said looking at the two, before Andre came over

"Ballet class, lets go" he said grabbing my arm and dragging me away, ignoring Beck and Max talking to him

"All right" Madame Makee said coming into the room

"All right" the boys sighed

"Which dancer would like to show me the routine we were working on last time" she asked placing her hands on her hips

"We would" Andre said raising his hand

"What?" Robbie asked looking at him

"We got this, man" Andre said looking at him

"You're a maniac"

"Andre, Robbie, to the front" She said as everyone moved back, and Robbie ran over setting Rex on a chair, talking to him before running back over to Andre

"Position!" She said

"Begin" she smiled nodding at me, as i started the music for them

They began to dance somewhat perfectly, before they got mixed up and ran into eachother and kneeing eachohter in the, yk, area

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